Choso at pride

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Word Count: 1264

Paring: Choso x Transmasc! Reader

Summary: While at Pride, a karen tries to cause problems only to have her spirits crushed. Followed by some sweet cuddles after a long day

Warnings: Bigots being Bigots, the usual homophobic and transphobic reasons for being assholes, let me know if I missed anything

A/n: Just a little Choso pride fic. For the record I have never been to a Pride festival for many reasons though I'm hoping to go to one this year. Also I ship Yuji and Megumi, if you don't then deal with it.  Anyways enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Choso may have not been a person for long but he couldn't wrap his head around the idea that there are people out there, who hate people for expressing themselves. When his partner told him about Pride and how it was a celebration for the people who were part of the LGBTQ+ community to show that they are happy to be who they are, he couldn't help but want to join in on the fun. Afterall his partner was part of said community and after some self reflection he also decided he fell somewhere in the community. So the morning of the Local Pride festival, Choso helped Y/n get ready before heading to the park.

"Choso, I'm so glad you wanted to come with me, It's going to be so fun." Y/n shouted as they got closer to the busy park full of so many different happy people.

Choso smiled as he held their hand. "Of course, why wouldn't I come celebrate the person who has helped me adapt to the world the most." His smile was infectious as he pulled them in for a quick kiss.

As they entered the park they were greeted by rows and rows of different vendors selling various pride themed items, most clearly hand made and perfect for the event. The two wandered the festival browsing the various booths, occasionally striking up conversation with those running them. Eventually they came to an area dedicated to some food trucks and decided it was a good time to take a break and get a snack.

"You sit and take a breather, I'll go get us something to eat okay?" Choso directed as they approached a small table near one of the many food trucks.

Y/n nodded, accepting the offer to just sit for a minute. Walking and dancing around the park had started to cause some aches and pains so they were thankful. Fanning themself with their large Nonbinary flag fan, Y/n decided it was too hot to continue wearing their black 'We are all human' shirt opting instead to place it in their bag. With the dark shirt out of the way, their Binder which was colored to look like the trans flag was now on full display.

As Y/n waited for Choso to return with their lunch, they heard footsteps fast approaching from behind them. Expecting it to be a fellow Pride goer coming to strike up a conversation about their binder or something, Y/n turned to greet them. Unfortunately, it was not someone looking to be friends, instead it was very clearly one of the many protesters they had seen throughout the park.

"How can you so disrespectfully damage the body god gave you? You'll go to hell if you don't change your ways and abandon such satanic practices." The Karen said pointedly. Y/n just rolled their eyes, taking in the fact the woman was holding a sign spouting something about trans people indoctrinating children. "You are putting children at risk by supporting such dangerous things." Y/n had fully turned away from the lady knowing that she just wanted a confrontation. "You turn away because you know I'm telling the truth. You turn your back on god." At this point Y/n was ready to just get up and go find Choso. "Such a beautiful young lady like yourself should be at home taking care of children, not defiling your body and indulging in the lies of these groomers."

Y/n truly had wanted to ignore the woman's nonsense but calling them a lady and then spouting the same 'they're all groomers' bullshit, pissed Y/n off. "First off, I never asked for your opinion. Second, what do you get out of telling people their life is not something you approve of? How many people have you spouted the same nonsense at, have actually changed because you told them they were going to hell?" They asked, turning to the now bewildered woman. "Judging by the shock on your face, none. So, instead of being mad that I have people who love and support me for who I am, you go home and worry about how your kids never call." With that Y/n grabbed their bag, getting up and searching for their brunette boyfriend.

As they were looking for Choso, they heard a familiar voice. "Love, I thought you were going to wait at the table for me?" Choso asked, approaching them with a confused look on his face. "Did something happen?" He noticed the slightly irritated look on Y/n's face.

Y/n sighed as they accepted the plate of food Choso had offered them. "It's nothing important, just your average transphobe telling me I'll go to hell for 'defiling' the body god gave me." They said as they took a bite of the food. "Don't worry too much I put her in her place and then came to find you. Let's walk around while we eat." They suggested leading Choso away from the makeshift food court.

Choso nodded, knowing that if the encounter had really upset Y/n they would have told him. So they continued through the area, occasionally stopping to buy little things that caught their eyes. After they finished their food they kept walking around enjoying the atmosphere. As the afternoon shifted to evening, the couple decided it was time to head out.

Once they made it home and were laying on the couch reminiscing over the day, Choso brought up what had happened when they were separated. "Are you sure you're okay? I know you said it was fine, I just want to make sure you are 100% okay." His concern was clear as he looked down at where Y/n was resting on his chest.

They lifted their head placing a quick kiss to his nose before responding. "I'm 100% sure that I'm fine. Had it been a problem I would have told you right away. Plus I think you should be more worried about how much money you spent on Pride merch." They turned to look at the mini mountain of assorted items that made it look as if a Pride explosion happened on their coffee table.

"Hey, I have to support the community and plus not all of these are for us. Some of those things are for Yuji." He stated as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Y/n raised a brow at the half curse before questioning him. "Why? I thought he and Megumi were going to Pride themselves, couldn't he have bought stuff then?" They asked, perplexed.

Choso chuckled. "Shortly before I ran into you with our food, Yuji called me. Apparently they were called for a last minute mission and couldn't go. He asked me if I could grab them some stuff since they couldn't go." He explained.

Placing another kiss on Choso's face, Y/n smiled. "Have I ever told you how much I love you?" They asked jokingly. Choso pretended to ponder the question, before shaking his head no going along with the joke. "Well, I love you so much. You are such a great brother and great sorcerer. And most importantly you are an amazing boyfriend." They said finishing their sentence with a final kiss on the forehead.

Choso smiled at them, placing a kiss on their lips. "And you are the most amazing partner I could ever ask for." After sitting for a moment they both relaxed back into the couch both falling asleep in each other's arms.

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