The Best Birthday - Akkun

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(art credit goes to me, I drew this a while ago)

Word count: 2424

Paring: Akkun x Reader

Summary: He's used to his birthday being overshadowed, but this year it's all a trick to make it the best day yet.

Warnings: Nothing really, forgotten birthdays maybe? Let me know if there is anything I missed.

A/N: This was written very last minute as I was only made aware that Today is Akkun's birthday like three days ago, and I only figured out a good idea last night for it. Not only is it Akkun's birthday, but he just needs more love in general, so feel free to request more of him. Any ways enjoy and Remember to Hydrate or Diedrate

Today is Akkun's birthday, and I came up with a good idea on how to spend it. It may seem a little mean what I have planned, but I know he's going to love it.

I woke up earlier than I normally would on a Saturday to start preparing for the plans. I had to text all our friends to make sure they remembered their parts in all of this. The basics of the plan was everyone act like it's a normal day, no happy birthday texts, no asking for his plans, just pretend like it's a normal day, when in reality while I'm dragging him around doing Christmas shopping, Takemichi and the others will be at our apartment setting up a surprise party.

Before Akkun woke up, I made a small breakfast and a pot of coffee, which isn't abnormal as we agreed when we moved in together who ever gets up first on the weekends makes breakfast. As I was setting the plates of French toast on the table, I was greeted by my loving red-headed boyfriend as he entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, love, what's on the agenda for today?" He asked, obviously wondering what I had planned for his birthday.

I just shrugged in response, and pretended to think for a moment. "I was thinking we could go out and find a Christmas tree, maybe get some presents for the gang. We could even get some lunch. What do you think?" I asked, acting like I had no clue what the importance of today was.

Seeing his face drop slightly almost made me break, knowing for a lot of his childhood his birthday was either made to be about Christmas or completely forgotten in the flurry of the holidays, but I had to remind myself that this was all to give him the best birthday ever. "Okay, sounds good, maybe we can come home and watch a movie after?" He asked, quickly recovering from the disappointment of his birthday being 'forgotten'.

"Yeah, that'd be great." I responded, trying not to break at how truly disappointed he sounded. We sat down and enjoyed the breakfast I made while talking about what we wanted to get everyone for Christmas. After cleaning up our dishes, we quickly got dressed and headed out for the day.

While in the car on the way to the mall, Akkun kept checking his phone with a disappointed face. "Everything okay?" I asked as we pulled into the mall parking lot.

"Yeah, yeah. Everything's fine." He said with an obviously fake smile. I made eye contact trying to make sure we weren't going too far with this plan, luckily even though there was disappointment I could still see hope. I held onto the hope that I could make it through this shopping trip without caving and telling him everything.

Once in the mall, we went into many stores, grabbing a few things here and there we thought our friends would like. Getting everyone some little things, not wanting to go over board and save some money. After a few hours we stopped at the food court getting a quick lunch. Almost as soon as we sat down, Akkun was looking at his phone again, once again looking upset at the lack of birthday wishes.

"Are you sure everything's ok? Every time you check your phone, you get this disappointed look on your face. Did something happen to one of the guy's or something?" I asked, still trying not to blow my cover.

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