Love is a Chess game - Tetsuro Kuroo

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Word count: 2762

Paring: Tetsuro Kuroo x male! Reader

Summary: Kuroo has always been fascinated by Y/n, after learning that he was in the chess club, Kuroo sets out to try and learn more about his closed off crush. (based on the above request)

A/n: Thank you so much for requesting. I'm sorry it took so long to get this out but I promise I made it the best I could. I hope you enjoy and have a happy pride month. And as alway remember to hydrate or diedrate.

It wasn't common for Kuroo to be late for practice, he is the captain after all. But this time he had a question for his teacher about an assignment and so he didn't leave when the bell rang. Having never been in the main building of the school after school was out, he never paid much attention to what other clubs meet after school and where. So imagine his surprise when he spots the guy he's been crushing on, walking to one of the empty classrooms.

Curious as to what Y/n could be doing, Kuroo decided that since he was already late for practice, what's a couple extra minutes. So he, too, approached the classroom. Getting closer to the door he heard the unmistakable sounds of people talking and realized the room wasn't actually empty. Without being seen, or so he thought, he poked his head through the small opening, observing what was happening. Quickly Kuroo realized that it was a meeting for the school's Chess club.

After his eyes took in the numerous chess boards set up, they were drawn to the person who unknowingly lured the Middle blocker to the room. There Y/n stood talking with one of his clubmates. Kuroo couldn't help but stare at the unsuspecting boy, completely in awe. This was the first time Kuroo had seen Y/n talking openly with anyone, he normally sits away from people looking like he couldn't care less about those around him. But here he was chatting and laughing like it was completely normal.

Kuroo probably would have stood there for hours watching his crush, but sadly an obnoxious ringing came from his pocket. He quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket, jumping away from the door hoping not to get caught. "What's up?" He asked the person on the other end, not bothering to see who is calling him.

"Where are you? Practice was supposed to start twenty minutes ago." Surprisingly it was Kenma.

Checking the time he let out a sigh. "Shit sorry, got held up asking a teacher a few questions and lost track of time. I'll be there shortly." He answered quickly. As he hung up the phone he didn't fail to notice the grumbles in the background from presumably Yaku. Putting his phone back in his pocket he made up his mind. First he was going to go to practice so as to not incur the wrath of either Kenma or Yaku as he did not want to deal with either parties bitching. Second, he was going to spend as much of his free time as possible learning to play chess.

After about two weeks of spending any moment not at school or practice, learning how to play chess, Kuroo decided it was time to put his new knowledge to the test. So he approached Y/n on their lunch break.

"Hey, Y//n I wanted to ask if you would be willing to play a game of chess with me?" He asked the quiet boy.

Not even looking up from his food Y/n responded. "Why?" It was a simple one word response, but the tone of voice said he would rather do anything else.

Kuroo was not expecting that, but being the quick thinker he is, recovered from his shock before speaking again. "I noticed you enjoy chess, and thought maybe you would like to play against a new opponent. Playing the same people over and over probably gets boring." He hoped his explanation made sense, and didn't make him sound like a fool. "And to make it more interesting we can make a bet out of it. Winner can ask the loser one question and the loser has to answer honestly." Thinking one the spot, Kuroo silently wished that the friendly wager would entice Y/n into agreeing.

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