The Little Pink Bird - Rody Soul

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Word Count: 6787

Paring: Rody soul x gn! Reader

Warnings: Talk of blood, canon typical violence

Summary: When Quirks first appeared so did Soulmates, being able to find your soulmate with the help of a tattoo that appears when they receive their quirk. Y/n spent their life with a little pink bird on their shoulder. What happens when they meet said little pink bird in another country?

A/n: Hello, welcome. First off I love Rody and he deserves so much more love than he gets. Second I'm addicted to soulmate au's, probably because I'm a hopeless romantic but anyway I thought this Idea was cute so I went with it. Anyway enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

Back before Quirks appeared everyone went about daily life wondering what it would be like if they could meet their perfect match. Always hoping that the one that they settled down with was their one true partner. Unfortunately for those who lived before quirks it was impossible to know for sure. But that all changed when quirks started appearing.

As quirks became more prominent and widespread, people also began to notice that mysterious tattoo's would appear on a random part of their body. At first it was thought to just be a side effect of quirks, but after people began reporting that when they met someone who's quirk reassembled the tattoo, they would feel like they found their missing piece. The idea that these marks changed the way people looked for their partner, searching out the one who matched their tattoo.

Over time it was figured out that the marks appeared when one's soulmate got their quirk. And so not only were kids excited to finally figure out their own quirks but to decipher their soulmate's quirk and try to find them as soon as possible. It was easier for some, then it was for others. For example someone who's soulmate had a mutant type quirk would have a picture that looked like the mutation, or if the quirk was fire they'd have a flame. Of course this left people with quirkless soulmates at a disadvantage because they would have to wait for their soulmate to find them instead of searching for the matching quirk. Now that you understand how soulmates work in this lovely world, it's time to actually get into our story.

I, like most children, was extremely excited to get my quirk and find out what my soulmate's powers were. When I was five I became the first out of the two of us to get a quirk. My quirk allowed me to manipulate plants and use them in a variety of different ways. I can use them to heal, as well as use them for a few defensive attacks. The only drawback of my quirk is that I have to have access to plants for it to work. So I tend to carry different plant seeds, it doesn't matter what the plant is, I can make it heal or strong enough to attack.

Anyways, after developing my quirk, I waited impatiently for my soulmate to get theirs so I could finally find them. Sure I was young but many parents will go to the quirk registry to find their child's soulmate and in hopes of introducing them young so they don't have to wait long to find them. So when the little pink and purple bird appeared on my shoulder, my parents raced to see if they could find out who my soulmate was. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the person whose quirk was symbolized by a little pink bird, most likely did not live in Japan and if they did they weren't registered. So, my hope for finding my soulmate early was crushed and I was destined to find them when the world decided it was the right time.

I suppose having to wait to find my soulmate was a blessing in disguise because while many people my age were spending time planning their life around what both them and their soulmate wanted to do, I was free to plan what I wanted to do. Sure my soulmate was a factor in my choices but for the most part I was free to follow my dreams. So when the time came for the U.A. entrance exams I participated. With my versatile quirk I managed to score a place in Class A.

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