Music can be relaxing... most of the time - Tetsuro Kuroo

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Word Count: 1122

Paring: Kuroo x gn! Reader (it's not super important part of the fic just felt like adding it)

Summary: The bus ride to the summer training camp was more chaotic knowing that Karasuno was going to be joining this year. After Kuroo's failings to calm everyone y/n has a genius idea, only for Lev to fuck it up with his choice of music

Warning: Cursing

A/n: All imma say is I said what I said. Feel free to take it up with management, oh wait I'm management. Anyway enjoy or don't, but as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

It was finally time for the week-long summer training camp with the rest of the Fukurodani Academy group, so it was time for Nekoma's volleyball team to begin the bus ride to Shinzen. Normally it was a quiet trip but with the excitement of Karasuno joining this year's camp, the boy's had decided to goof off for the majority of the trip.

There had been a few attempts from Kuroo to get the rambunctious group to sit down and shut up, but after being ignored every time, the captain gave up. Seeing their boyfriend's annoyed face at their younger classmen's energy, Y/n tried to think of a way to calm the group without and convince them to conserve their energy for the upcoming practice matches. Remembering that listening to music typically helps people relax, Y/n quickly pulled out their phone and set up a new Spotify playlist.

After adding a few songs and putting in the description that each member of the team was to add three songs, Y/n sent a mass invite to boys. Upon hearing the chorus of phones buzzing and checking his own, Kuroo looked at Y/n slightly confused. "Why did you send a playlist in the team chat?" He asked, curious as to what their plan was.

Looking around and seeing that the whole team had stopped goofing off and were all looking to their manager as if asking the same question. "Music can help people relax, so I figured if we all contributed a few songs to this playlist we could all listen to it and save our energy for the training camp." They explained, earning a few nods and sounds of agreement. After about two minutes everyone made it known that they had made their contributions. Y/n then hooked their phone up to the small speaker Kenma had brought with him, and hit shuffle on the playlist, letting the bus fill the sounds of each player's favorite music.

As time passed it was clear that Y/n's plan had worked well. Half the team had passed out, while the other half were just scrolling on their phones quietly. Kuroo took a moment to lean closer to Y/n and whisper quietly to them. "Thank you, I thought I was gonna have to help Yaku hide Lev's body for a moment there."

Y/n just chuckled. "No problem, it's my job as your guys' manager to make sure no murders happen while traveling. Now you should—" Before Y/n could finish their next sentence a very familiar song started playing over the speaker, and it wasn't one Y/n was fond of. "Ok who the hell put Taylor fucking Swift in the playlist?" Y/n had turned to look down the bus's aisle to look at the group of boys.

Everyone who was still awake remained silent before Kenma pointed at the lanky first year who was asleep against the window across from him. Almost as if sensing all eyes on him Lev jolted awake. "Why is everyone staring at me?" He asked groggily while looking around.

The first to break the silence was Yaku. "You messed up big time buddy, I hope it was worth it." The short third year said, patting Lev's shoulder over the seat. Lev just looked at his upperclassmen confused. Figuring Lev was not going to figure it out on his own, Yaku pointed towards the front of the bus where Y/n was still leaning into the aisle. "You pissed off the manager." It was a simple sentence but as soon as Lev made eye contact with Y/n, he understood how fucked he was.

"But wait what did I do? I fell asleep after the music started." He asked, hoping to find a way out of his impending doom.

The people who had previously been asleep had also woken up as it was silent on the bus except for the sound of the bus moving. They were confused at first until they heard their normally calm manager let out an exasperated sigh, before speaking. "The number one rule for any playlist I have is absolutely no Taylor Swift. I will not budge on it ever, her music is trash and she is overrated. If you want to listen to her go ahead but it better be with headphones and I better not hear it." Y/n explained, their voice sounded calm but the look in their eyes said on wrong move and Lev's body would need to be hidden.

"Okay but I thought she was like an Bi icon or something, and aren't you also bi? I thought you would like her." Lev clearly misread the look on Y/n's face, and thought there was any room to argue.

"Lev you are a newer member of the team but I kindly have to remind you never tell me that taylor fucking swift is bi icon again. That is one of the straightest cis women I have ever seen and any one who thinks otherwise needs their eyes checked. AND also I'm not bi, I'm queer which is different and if I was why would that mean I like her trashy music. She's a sell out and the picture of capitalistic greed." Y/n answered, before Lev had a chance to respond Y/n faced forward signaling the end of the discussion.

After taking a moment to process what was just said to him Lev looked to his teammates for anysort of clarification they could give him about what happened. "I know that look and the only answer is to never bring up Taylor Swift in Y/n's presence again or they may actually kill you." It was Yamamoto who answered Lev's unspoken question.

"Tora if I hear that name one more time I will not hesitate to shave off that stupidass mohawk." Y/n said before starting the music again, having checked the playlist for any of the cursed music.

Yamamoto just silently nodded before going back to looking at his phone. The rest of the team followed suit knowing that any further chaos would likely cause the Captain and Manager duo to actually murder the whole team before they even reached the training camp. Lev looked around one last time before figuring out what the rest of the team already knew, don't piss off Y/n because they are scarier than Kuroo and Yaku combined.

Kuroo on the other hand just chuckled to himself, placing a kiss on his partner's forehead. "I thought you were supposed to prevent murders, not threaten to commit them." He just received an eye roll as the two silently agreed to relax for the rest of the bus ride.

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