Frosted Wings - Keigo Takami (Hawks)

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Word count: 1168

Paring: Keigo Takami x reader

Summary: What was supposed to be a relaxing birthday turned into an interview and a meeting, neither of which Keigo wanted to deal with. Lucky for him, You're there when he gets home to help brush off the snow, make some hot chocolate, and give cuddles

Warnings: Keigo calls reader dove, talk of over throwing the government, The hunger games movie mentioned, slight cursing

A/N: Hello and Happy Birthday to the lovely Hawks, who needs to be protected no matter what. Anyway, thanks to [ena] for the idea for this fic. I hope you all enjoy and remember to Hydrate or Diedrate.

I had been waiting all day for Keigo to get home. What was supposed to be a relaxing day of watching movies and cuddling, turned into me sitting at home waiting for my boyfriend to return home. We had barely gotten settled for our movie marathon when the Hero Safety Commission called him in for some press thing they conveniently forgot to inform him about. It honestly can be so annoying having the few days off we get together, interrupted by those money hungry asshats. Plus we had this planned for months, he specifically requested the day off, so we could just relax and not worry about anything, and maybe just once let Keigo actually enjoy his birthday.

Now instead of watching movies, I'm stuck watching my Lovely boyfriend answer the interviewer's questions with scripted enthusiasm, but a faint look of exhaustion in his eyes. He truly mastered hiding his true feelings in public, but when he enters our shared home, the mask falls, and you can see how truly tired he is. I could only hope this would be over soon, and I could wrap my arms around his chest as we lay on the couch watching random movies drinking hot chocolate, the way we had planned in the first place.

The interview took about an hour, which was then followed by Keigo being taken away for some 'dumb meeting' with the HSC, his words not mine. I could tell from the random texts that he just wanted out and after another two hours of brief texts about the meeting could have waited until he came back to work, I finally received a message saying he was finally on his way home. Feeling relief that he would be home soon, I got up to put the kettle on for some fresh hot chocolate. With the water heating, I set out our mugs and waited patiently for the Winged hero to get home.

It didn't take long for me to hear a soft thud on the patio, followed by the sliding door opened. "Holy shit, it's freezing out there." I heard as I turned to Keigo as entered our shared space. I took a second to take him in, he was still in his hero costume, as he had to wear it for any public appearance, but what really caught my eye was the light dusting of snow sticking to his feathers and hair. I quickly stood up to grab a towel and a blanket.

"Damn Keigo, you shouldn't have been flying if it's snowing enough to stick to your wings. What would have happened if ice had a chance to form?" I said in concern, helping him get the snow out of his hair first. He just shrugged in response, accidentally sending some of the snow from his wings to the floor. "Don't move your wings until we get the snow off, I don't want to clean up a puddle." I tapped his shoulder as I moved behind him to start brushing the snow into the towel I had in hand.

"Sorry dove, you know I wouldn't fly in this if I had a choice. Those dicks at the commission love using me as a sales tactic and don't care about whether it's safe for me to be out showing off." Keigo responded, clearly upset that his employers cared more about money and looking good than the safety of their star hero.

I frowned, knowing that even though he enjoys hero work, he just wants to be able to relax. "Hopefully soon you'll be able to realize your dream, and heroes will have more time on their hands than they know what to do with." I said, wiping the last of the snow off his wings. "Anyway, I got all the snow off, so why don't you go change while I finish making the hot chocolate." Keigo whispered a quick thanks before shedding his coat and heading to our room to put on some more comfortable clothes.

While I was careful pouring the boiling water over the hot chocolate mix in the mugs on the counter, I heard the bedroom door close. Moments later, there was a sigh and soft thud from the living room, a tell-tale sign Keigo was changed and patently waiting on the couch. Finishing off the mugs of cocoa with some marshmallows and a candy cane in mine, I carefully walked them out to the tired pro slumped into the couch.

"You know if you keep laying like that, you're going to hurt your wings." I said, pointing out how he had them folded to his back, lying directly on the joints where they connected to him. He just grumbled before sitting up and accepting the warm cup out of my hand. "So, what movie are we watching first? Figure since it's your day, and it's already been so wonderful, you can pick first." Sarcasm gracing my sentence as I sat next to him on the couch.

He stretched the wing closest to me out and wrapped it around me, pulling me into his side. Pausing a moment to enjoy the contact, before responding. "I was thinking maybe the Hunger Games, as I too would love to overthrow or corrupt government sometimes." I moved to take a sip of my drink to cover my laugh before nodding in agreement. Keigo grabbed the remote off the table, playing the agreed upon movie, before setting the remote and his mug on the coffee table.

I didn't think much of it, thinking he was just taking a break from the drink, I just stayed focused on the movie. Jokes on me though, right as the opening played my mug was taken from my hands, set on the table and red overtook my vision. Keigo had set my cup down and completely enveloped me in his wings, pulling me to his chest as he adjusted to lay on his back with me on top of him, both of us cocooned in his wings. "Keigo, I thought you wanted to watch this?" I asked, confused by the sudden cuddle attack.

"I did, but then I realized cuddling is a much better option." He said, burying his face in my hair. I let out a soft chuckle, accepting it as it's a regular event with the winged hero. "Plus, cuddling with you always makes my day better." Keigo mumbled, placing a kiss to the crown of my head.

I just sank deeper into his embrace, realizing that even though not much had happened today, I was exhausted. Before I feel asleep, I spoke one last time. "I love you Keigo, sorry your birthday wasn't perfect."

As sleep took over, I felt him sleepily chuckle and heard his quiet response. "I love you too, dove. And every day with you is perfect no matter what." With that, we both drifted off, completely content in each other's arms, forgetting the movie and the no longer hot chocolate sitting only feet away.

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