"Umbrellas are for pussies." - Yuta Okkotsu

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Pairing: Yuta Okkotsu x American Reader

Word count: 1418

Summary: A day out with Yuta leads to playful bickering about umbrellas.

Warnings: The use of the word pussies once making fun of people.

A/N: Just a random idea I had while watching the rain today. Reader is from the state of Oregon because that's where I'm from originally and I personally think umbrellas are for wimps, and transplants(People not from Oregon originally). I'm also thinking of making this like a mini cross fandom series about different characters in the rain. Also requests are still open and I'm working on the one I have. It just may take a bit as my new job is finally giving me hours, and Vegas (where I live right now) Is facing some heavy rain this week with possible flooding and power outages.

It was a relaxing day at Jujutsu tech, which was rare but welcome. Taking advantage of the few off days we received as sorcerers, me and Yuta decided it would be nice to go out and just have fun in Tokyo together. It would be our first date in a while with the number of missions Yuta gets being a Special grade sorcerer, and we just wanted to go shopping and get lunch without the worries of curses and Panda teasing us. Don't get me wrong I love hanging out with our friends but it can be a bit much having the bear cracking jokes at our expense every five seconds.

We decided that we would meet each other at the entrance to the school and leave from there together. It was a few minutes past when we agreed to leave when I watched Yuta run towards me out of breath. I just chuckled at the ravenet as he approached. "What took so long and why are you running?" I asked as he took a moment to catch his breath.

"Oh, I was looking for an umbrella, It looks like it might rain so I figured it's better to come prepared. I lost track of time searching and when I realized I was late, I rushed out so you wouldn't think I forgot our date." He said standing back up and smiling at me. It was then that I noticed the cause of his tardiness in his hand.

I rolled my eyes at him. "It probably won't rain, especially if it's in the forecast." I said this from experience. "Also using an umbrella is for pussies." I joked as we made our way from the school.

You see I'm from the U.S.A, more specifically Oregon. I learned growing up that when they say it's going to rain it probably won't, and if they predict a sunny day expect a thunderstorm. I also grew up with the mentality that umbrellas were pointless, if it's gonna rain oh well a little water won't hurt. I came to Japan because opportunities for Jujutsu sorcerers are limited as they don't cause too much problem there, so I went where I could learn about the strange things only I could see. That is how we get to where we are now.

My boyfriend looked at me like I was crazy for a second before just brushing off my comment, favoring enjoying our day out rather than bickering about rain. He grabbed my hand as we started our walk towards the bustling city enjoying the cool weather. We talked about little things that didn't really matter, things like Inumaki 'accidentally' cursing Panda to stay silent for a whole day, or how Gojo spends way too much money on candy. It was just light hearted talk, forgetting that we work such a dangerous job that could take everything away at any second. It always felt great to just be people.

After a half hour walk we were finally in Tokyo. We decided that the best course of action was to get a quick breakfast before heading to a mall for the day. Yuta and I agreed on a little bakery that had coffee as well and sat down to enjoy it. Again just idle chatter about some dumb meme I had seen or a stupid video Yuta saw. We finished breakfast and headed to the mall.

When we got to the mall we immediately went to Hot Topic, and got some MCR shirts, a few buttons, and a few Funko pops. I also got a new set of gauges for my ears before we headed to the next store. Yuta decided that we had to go into Box Lunch and nearly begged to get a squishmellow that looked like a piece of Onigiri for our friend with limited vocabulary. He also got a marvel mug and I picked out some My Hero Academia ramen bowls.

This went on for a few hours just us going from store to store buying random things, for ourselves, or the occasional thing that made us think of one of our friends. Around noon we decided to grab lunch in the food court before heading home because we already both had a few bags we had to carry back. Luckily one of the things I bought was a backpack that looked like Finn's bag from Adventure Time and was able to put quite a bit of our stuff in it, shrinking the number of bags needed to carry everything. We both still had like three bags of stuff to carry but it wasn't too bad.

Leaving the mall, I realized Yuta had been right about it raining. It wasn't raining too bad, I'd say only sprinkling, nothing to worry too much about. I didn't even pause before stepping out into the rain and walking away from the mall, I only stopped when I realized Yuta wasn't next to me. I turned to see my boyfriend struggling with the bags he was carrying, trying to set them down for a moment while also trying not to drop the umbrella he had in his hand. Walking up I grabbed the bags from him before asking. "What are you doing? It's not that bad, you don't need that." I pointed at the umbrella he was opening.

"Just because you were raised like an animal, doesn't mean I have to get soaked in the rain." Yuta responded by taking the bags back from my hand, after positioning the umbrella over his head. "Also I never said you had to use it. If you want to catch a cold in this weather, have fun but don't come crying to me."

I just rolled my eyes, returning my attention back to making the trek back to Jujutsu tech. "I won't catch a cold, I'm just saying you look dumb with it." I could hear him scoff as he caught up with me.

The walk back towards the school was fine until the rain went from a sprinkle to a downpour and Yuta made us step under the cover of a bus stop for a moment to make sure none of our stuff was getting wet. After making sure anything that could be damaged by the rain was covered and out of harm's way I moved back into the rain. "What are you doing? It's raining too hard for you to just be walking around in a t-shirt and no umbrella." The voice of my worry wort said.

I just kept walking listening to the sound of him rushing to catch up with me. "I said before that I'm fine. I've walked further in worse rain." I said as he was walking next to me. It was silent for a moment before he moved so the umbrella was covering the both of us. "I said I don't use umbrellas. People who do are weird, it's just water, it can't hurt me." I responded as I stepped away from the offending object.

The special grade just rolled his eyes at me. "Look I know that you don't want to use the umbrella but please. For me just this once. I don't want you getting sick. ANd I know you said you won't catch a cold, but I don't like the idea of you risking it. Plus soaking wet clothes are not fun." He said, trying to move closer to get me under the umbrella. "Plus I can see you shivering, no matter how used to the rain you are, admit that you're just a little cold.

My shoulders slumped, he was right about me shivering and wet clothes sucking. "Fine, but this is the only time I will do this. And if you tell anyone I will inform everyone that you unironically listen to Taylor swift." I responded, making up something random to make him agree, finally letting him close enough to shield me from the rain.

He froze for a moment before responding. "I do not listen to Taylor Swift, but fine I won't tell anyone that you walked under an umbrella." He paused before continuing, "You Americans are weird about really dumb things." I just nodded in agreement and kept walking.

Today was great, even though I went against my people by using an umbrella, I had fun. It's always nice to just talk and spend time with the one you love. I can't wait for the next time we can do this together.

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