Christmas Conflict Clean Up - Takashi Mitsuya

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Word count: 949

Paring: Takashi Mitsuya x reader

Summary: Taking care of him after the Christmas conflict.

Warnings: Talk of blood, concussions and other injuries, stabbing

A/N: Hello everyone, I hope that if you celebrate Christmas you had a good one yesterday, and if you don't, I hope you still had an amazing day. Anyway, I wrote this picturing it happening obviously right after the fight in the church. I also picture it happening when they are in the last year of high school, so still teen but more like 18ish. Anyway, enjoy and remember to Hydrate Or Diedrate.

It was about three in the morning when the knocking on my window finally woke me up. I was totally confused by this, like, who in their right mind is knocking on people's windows at 3am the day after Christmas. As I went to the window, my question was answered, seeing my boyfriend standing outside, with what was very clearly a black eye and many other injuries to his handsome face. Realizing it was Takashi standing out there, I rushed to slide the window open and help him climb through the window.

"I'm sorry to wake you up so early. I just didn't want to wake Luna and Mana with my face so beat up." Takashi explained as he gave a weak smile sitting on my bed.

Ignoring his explanation as to why he was here, I went to work, looking for my first aid kit that I kept in my room for nights like this. Digging through my dresser drawer, I let out a quiet exclamation of victory, pulling out the box of supplies. Turning on my bedside lamp, I decide the best course of action would be to first clean up all the blood. "Sorry, but this is gonna sting." I said, taking an antiseptic wipe to a large cut on his cheek. He flinched away from the wipe and in response I grabbed the back of his head to hold him still, not realizing that was also a bad idea.

This time he jerked forward, nearly headbutting me in the process. "Shit that hurt." Takashi mumbled out, trying to keep his voice down.

Realizing with that kind of reaction, there had to be a wound on the back of his head, I turned his face away from me. I let out a sigh of relief when I didn't see any blood in his hair, but knowing there could still be something there, I carefully started moving his short hair out of my way. When I bumped a particular spot, he let out another quiet string of curses, signalling that I found the spit of concern. Looking closer at the spot, I could see a rather large bump that was already starting to turn purple. "Jesus, Takashi, what'd they hit you with a brick?" I asked, only slightly joking.

"Close, a metal pipe." Was his response as he tilted his head to look back at me. I held back a gasp, as I didn't actually think whoever he got in a fight with this time would hit him with something. "Don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a bump and a bruise, nothing major." He smirked, trying to make it sound not that bad.

I resisted the urge to smack the back of his head. "Nothing major, really, Takashi. You could have a concussion, for god's sake. Now sit still so I can clean up the rest of your face." I snapped as I turned him back to facing me. "And don't flinch, or I will make sure you leave here with a concussion." I threatened, going back to wiping off his cuts.

With that, he shut right up, knowing that if I had to I would really beat his ass for being an idiot. "What even were you idiots fighting about at Christmas?" I asked, hoping to get some answers on the citation, that lead to a bloody boyfriend knocking on my window at three o'clock.

He paused, probably trying to figure out how to explain it in a way to make it sound justified. When he finally spoke, I could tell it was the unfiltered truth. "Takemitchy believed that Hakkai was going to kill his brother and was dead set on stopping him. He was right in the sense that Hakkai was there, but Yuzuha is the one who ultimately stabbed Taiju. Don't worry, the wound wasn't fatal, but it turned into an all out brawl in the church with Takemitchy, Chifuyu, Hakkai, and Me against Taiju and a couple of his Black dragon guys. Honestly, the only thing that saved our asses was Mikey and Draken showing up when they did." He explained.

I knew right away it was the truth, Hakkai was like the little brother Takashi never had, and I know he would do anything for him, even risk his life if he had too. I smiled as I wiped the last little bit of blood off his lower lip. "I'm glad everyone made it out okay then." It's all I could think to say. He returned the gentle smile. "Now please take a break from fighting until at least the new year, I don't think your pretty face can take another beating so soon." I said, earning a chuckle from him as I moved to the first aid kit back in its resting spot.

When I turned around, Takashi had kicked off his shoes and thrown his Toman jacket over my desk chair, and made himself comfortable on my bed. Before I could say anything, he beat me to it. "You said it yourself, I could have a concussion from being hit with a metal pipe. I shouldn't be driving in this condition. Now come lay down, we both know your parents are used to me coming over all beat up and spending the night." He said, making valid points, patting the space next to him. I quickly lied down next to him, turning off the light. Before I could drift off to sleep, I heard one last thing from the lilac haired young man. "Thank you for always being here for me, even if it's at such shitty hours" That was the last thing I heard before letting sleep take over.

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