Finding the Truth - Yuji Itadori

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Paring: Yuji Itadori x gn! Reader

Summary: Being Yuji's best friend before he goes to Jujutsu tech and him hiding the truth from you leads to a miny argument and sharing feelings.

Warnings: Yuji is kinda mean and stupid, Sukana trying to bite reader.

Word count: 3768

A/n:Just some angst to comfort I wrote for Yuji. enjoy and remember in everything I write all characters are aged up to college age. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT

I have been friends with Yuji for a while, but I haven't seen him in five months. You see, Yuji transferred to a school in Tokyo shortly after his grandfather passed away. I completely understand it, getting away from a place that was once full of happy memories can really help with the grieving process. The only thing is he's been going there for half a year and I have yet to meet any of his friends, I haven't even visited him at school. We talk over text and call all the time, but everytime I suggest I come visit he changes the subject. It feels like he's hiding something. And I know you must be thinking, "oh you just like him" but that's not it he's like a brother to me and having not seen him in so long hurts.

That's why today I've decided I'm going to surprise him. I just got to Tokyo, the only problem is I have no clue where the school is or what the name is. I have no idea how to find my friend without telling him I'm here and making him come find me. I spent about an hour pondering what to do. If I don't know the name of the school, or the location, there is no way to find it. I guess the only option is to call him. I grabbed my phone and called the pink haired idiot.

"Hey Yuji, I need to ask a favor." I said as he answered the phone.

"Sure Y/n, what's up?" Yuji asked. I could make out the sounds of people talking on the other line before Yuji snapped at them to be quiet.

I couldn't help but laugh at that, " Oh, well, I kinda need you to come pick me up from the train station."

There was a pause before he responded. "Umm, why are you at the train station? I thought you agreed that you wouldn't come visit." It was obvious he didn't want me there, and it hurt a bit. He's one of my best friends who I haven't seen in months and he just doesn't want to see me.

"Well, I thought I'd surprise you with a visit cause last time we talked you seemed stressed. I just wanted to hang out with my best friend and meet the friends I've heard so much about." I responded feeling like this was a stupid idea, and that I'm losing my best friend. " but if you really don't want to see me, I'll just go home and you won't hear from me again."

"Y/n, that's not what I meant, there's just been a lot going on recently and I don't have time right now." He said giving the same excuse he's given every time I offered to visit. "Please understand that, just go h-"

" Hi, I'm Nobara Kugisaki, one of Yuji's friends here, don't listen to him. We will be there in twenty minutes. Can't wait to meet you." A girl said, having taken the phone from my friend, as i heard Yuji telling her to give him back his phone.

"Ok, see you soon I guess?" I responded as the line went dead.

P.O.V change to Yuji's dumbass

"Why would you do that Kugisaki? They don't know anything about Jujutsu Tech, they think I just left because my grandpa died." Yuji said to his friend as she just smirked at him before grabbing his and Megumi's arms and pulling them off the school grounds towards Tokyo.

" Well, It's shocking to know you have friends outside of school, and so I need to find out what is wrong with them. It's hard to believe someone would willingly travel to see you." Nobara said, rolling her eyes finally letting the boys go.

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