Burning Memories - Natsu Dragneel

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Biased on the above request

Word count: 3198

Paring: Natsu x fem reader

Warnings: Amnesia, possibly ooc Natsu, the timeline may be wonky but hey whatever, let me know if I missed anything

A/n: Hello, thank you so much for the request. Sorry it took a while but I'm happy with how it turned out. The ending isn't perfect but if anyone is interested I'd be willing to make a part two. Anyways I hope you enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.

He had no idea what went wrong. It was supposed to be an easy mission, kill the monster and collect the reward. That's it, they had done this kind of job hundreds of times so how did it go so wrong. Watching the beast slam Y/n into the wall behind him scared him. Not because he feared for his own safety, but because why wasn't she moving. That was the only thought going through the Salamander's mind.

After barely managing to distract the monster, he grabbed Y/n and ran. Natsu's only priority was getting Y/n back to Fairy Tail and getting her help. As he rushed back to the guild hall with his unconscious partner, he couldn't help but thank whatever higher power that their job wasn't far from Magnolia. After all he wouldn't trust just some random person to take care of Y/n.

When he arrived at the guild hall, he was greeted at first with the normal ruckus of the Guild. But as soon as they noticed the wizard in his arms and the panicked look on his face, every one went silent. Makarov acted first, instructing Mirajane to lead Natsu to the infirmary and ordering for Gray to fetch Porlyusica. Once Natsu had laid Y/n in one of the beds he refused to move until he knew how Y/n was doing. It took Gray and Elfman to pull him out of the room so Porlyusica could check on her.

The wait for news was stressful to say the least. If anyone walked into the guild hall at that time they would see two things. First being that the entire guild was silent, and second being Natsu knocked out and trapped by one of Freed's enchantments. It was the best bet for everyone to knock him out because while he was awake he wouldn't stop trying to get back to the infirmary.

After what felt like hours Makarov and Porlyusica exited the room. As if sensing a change in the room Natsu shot up slamming into the invisible wall around him. "How is she? Is she ok? Let me outta this thing." He was frantic as he tried to get out and to his friend.

"You're not leaving that enchantment until you calm down. As for Y/n, all we can do is wait. She's still unconscious and we are unsure when she'll wake up." Makarov said, silencing the fire wizard. Everyone else in the Guild was silent taking in the information, one of their own was hurt and there's nothing else they could do. Eventually Porlyusica left the hall, leaving the Fairies to worry by themselves.

After about a month there was no sign of improvement in Y/n's condition. She still laid in the infirmary bed unmoving. Natsu had spent nearly every day sitting by her bed telling her about everything that has been happening in the Guild. And not that he would admit it but when it got late and Happy would fall asleep on the unconscious girl's chest, Natsu would beg for her to just wake up so he could apologize for letting her get hurt.

It had been another two months with no sign of improvement in Y/n's condition, and Natsu hadn't gone on a job since the incident, wanting to be there when she woke up. But eventually a rumor reached the guild hall of a so-called Salamander in the port town of Hargeon. After much convincing from Happy and Mirajane, Natsu finally left the guild hall. If there was no sign of Y/n waking soon he might as well see if this Salamander was Igneel.

Time skip

Now four months after the tragic incident, there was still no sign of improvement. Even though she had long since healed from the injuries, Y/n was still in a coma. And while the entire guild was worried about her they all continued to go about their lives. Natsu even somewhat returned to his normal self. Fighting with Gray over random things and going on jobs with Happy and Lucy. Even if he began to settle back into things, he couldn't shake the guilt he felt over his comatose friend.

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