Love Transcends Time and Space - Tenth Doctor

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Summary: After traveling with Rose and the Doctor for a while Rose goes her separate way, leaving reader and the doctor face their feelings for eachother.

Paring: Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader

Warnings: light angst, bad writing, unrequited love that is actually requited

A/N: This was requested by shuichiakainx on tumblr , I hope it lives up to your wishes. Honestly it was a little hard for me to write as some stuff has happened in the past couple years that pulled me from Doctor Who and I thought I was ready to dive back in but turns out I'm not. I did my best to write this and hopefully it's good but I'm going to step back from doctor who for a bit longer. I did enjoy writing this but I'm just not ready to face my own personal struggles. any way have fun reading this if you have requests for any other fandoms listed in my pinned post feel free to ask but I'm taking doctor who of the table for a bit.

Word count:1116

I have been traveling with the Doctor for about a year now. I had grown up with Rose and she introduced me to the Doctor after the Sycorax had tried to take over earth on christmas. I thought he was strange at first but we got along really well. After the Doctor had regained his strength from recently regenerating, he offered for me to travel with them and see things I could only dream of.

It's been so fun seeing planets in far away galaxies and experiencing crucial moments in history. I've had so much fun, except all good things come to an end. You see, on our recent stop back to earth we had an encounter with Torchwood. Torchwood had opened a breach between our earth and a parallel world, letting cybermen through into our world. While dealing with the cybermen we also were faced with a group of daleks. Dealing with both was difficult but the Doctor found a way to deal with both problems.

He figured out that if reversed the breach anything that traveled through the breach would be pulled into the void. He had sent Jackie, Mickey, Pete (a version of Rose's father from the other world), and Rose to the other world to be safe. The doctor and I worked together to open the breach sending the cybermen and daleks into the void. After the breach had closed we made our way back to the Tardis.

"Where are we going now Doctor?" I asked, trying to figure out what the plan was now that we were down a member of our rag tag group. The Doctor looked up for a moment before going to fiddle with something on the console in front of him.

"We are sending a message to Rose. There is a small breach still open where we can get a message through to her one last time." He answered my question quickly before setting a location into the tardis's computer. The distinct sounds of the Tardis moving echoed through the space as we moved to a random spot in the universe.

I watched as The Doctor was able to connect to Rose through the breach. I spaced out most of the conversation. I know it sounds callus but I didn't want to listen as two of my closest friends said goodbye to each other. It seems selfish but I don't want to hear the inevitable, I don't want to face the truth. You see, in the time I've traveled with the Doctor, I've developed feelings for him. Traveling with someone you love for so long you notice things about them, and for me I've noticed who The Doctor treats those he loves and I have also noticed that I'm not the one he loves. He's always been gentler with Rose, having secret conversations that stop right as I walk in the room. I'm just too scared to hear it be said out loud in the open.

"I promise I will tell them."I heard The Doctor say as I slipped back into the realm of paying attention. I was confused by this, tell who what, what is he talking about. "Well the breaching is closing this is goodbye, and enjoy the rest of your peaceful life Rose Tyler." The Doctor said goodbye as the connection dropped.

I was sitting by the console still trying to figure out what he had to tell someone, and who that someone was. I was also confused by him choosing to only say goodbye when it was his last chance to speak with Rose, wouldn't it have made more sense to say 'I love you' if it was your last chance speaking with your partner. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't see the Doctor coming towards me until he was sitting next to me.

"What has you so far away?" The Doctor asked as he watched my face.

"What did you and Rose talk about? I was spaced out for a bit." I responded with another question trying to avoid telling The Doctor my thoughts.

"Oh nothing much, just caught up on how her and everyone else is doing in the other world. Also apparently Jackie is pregnant, that's good news." He explained what he and Rose spoke about.

"Oh that's great news, but what was the last bit about promising to tell someone something?" I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

I watched as the Doctor scratched the back of his neck contemplating something before looking me in the eyes. "You see, I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now, actually Rose has been trying to get me to tell you for awhile, But anyways. I really like you, and not in just the you are fun to have around way, it's the kind of liking you that makes me worry more than necessary. It's weird, in my long existence I've never felt this way before. I know you may not feel the same but I had to tell you. If this makes things weird I can take you home, and we can forget this ever happened." He said leaving me speechless.

I wasn't sure how to respond. I wasn't expecting this at all. It was a dream come true. I've loved the Doctor for some time now and having him tell me he feels the same feels unreal. I was silent for a moment thinking of how to respond, right as I was about to respond I could see the Doctor lose hope. " I get it, I'll have the tardis take us back to earth and you can be rid of me." he said as he stood up to set the new location.

Realizing The Doctor probably thought I was rejecting him, I stood up and grabbed his wrist spinning him to face me. Without thinking twice I leaned forward and kissed him. It was strange at first but once we both relaxed into it, it was warm and soft and not like anything i had ever felt before.

"I like you too. I don't want to go back to earth, I want to stay with you as long as you'll have me." I said after pulling away. I watched as his face shifted from shock to joy as he realized what was happening. He smiled at me and leaned back in for another kiss.

While we were absorbed in each other's presence our moment was interrupted by a shout. "WHERE IN THE BLOODY HELL AM I?" Yelled a woman in a wedding dress.

We shared a look of confusion before silently agreeing that we will get through this together.

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