Heartbreak - Satoru Gojo

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Word Count: 1235

Paring: Satoru Gojo x gn! Reader

Warnings: Break ups, mentions of near death experienece, my inability to write breakups well, let me know if I missed any

summary: Based on the above request

A/n: Thank you so much for the request. I apologize that it took so long but I hope you enjoy it, and I made it angsty enough for you. I don't have much else to say on this one so, as always enjoy and remember to hydrate or diedrate.

I had met Satoru when he had saved me from a horrifying monster. He had explained to me that it was a cursed spirit and his job was to exercise them so they couldn't hurt anyone. If I had not almost been killed by one I would have called him crazy, but first hand experience opened my eyes to a world I didn't know existed.

After that fateful day I started running into the Tall sorcerer, as he called himself, everywhere. It felt like we were meant to be in each other's lives. It seemed that he also noticed that our paths keep crossing, and after the third time he asked me out.

That was about three years ago and our relationship was amazing. Satoru always made time for me, even with his busy schedule as the strongest sorcerer and teacher of the next generation. He had also made sure to keep me far away from the dangers of his world. Like I said before I only found out about curses when one almost killed me, and that near death experience was the only reason I could see them, so Satoru made it his mission to keep me safe.

It felt as if we would be able to keep this balance and keep caring for each other for the rest of our lives. Sadly, like most things, all good things come to an end. And so fate led us to this moment, Satoru standing by the front door ripping my heart from my chest.

"It's over Y/n." It was a simple three word sentence but it was enough to cause my world to crumble around me.

I couldn't help the tears that immediately ran down my face. "What are you saying, Satoru? I thought we were doing fine. I thought you loved me." It hurt so bad, I just needed an explanation. I tried to search his expression for any sign he was lying. Unfortunately for me, he had just gotten back from a mission and had yet to remove his blindfold, making it impossible to accurately read his emotions.

"It's just over, can't that be enough. If you care for my opinion you will accept that it's over." He stated, running his hand through his hair.

My mind was racing trying to figure out what had gone wrong. The heartbreak was morphing from sorrow to anger. "If I care for your opinion I'd accept that it's over, really Satoru. You come home from whatever dangerous mission, and just tell me it's over. No explanation just expecting me to roll over and throw out the last three years of my life." I was close to yelling at this point. "If you really truly want me to just accept that it's over, then man up, take off the stupid blindfold and look me in the eyes while you tear out my heart." I exclaimed. If he wanted to break me he should have the courage to actually look me in the eyes when he does it.

I watched as he sighed, and slowly pulled the cloth from his face. "It's over Y/n. I'm done, I don't love you anymore. I'll send someone by tomorrow to get my things. Don't try to contact me again after tonight." There it was, he actually had the balls to look me in the eye with those mesmerizing orbs, and crush the last pieces of my heart. He didn't wait for a response, and just turned and left my apartment.

As I watched the door close I collapsed to the floor. He had done it; he crushed the last shreds of hope that it was just a cruel joke. Sitting on the floor, every memory we had flashed before my eyes. I sat on the floor for what felt like days but was in reality only a few hours. After it had all sunk in that Satoru wouldn't be walking back in and saying it had just been a cruel joke, I stood to begin gathering all of the objects Satoru had left at my apartment over the years.

Grabbing a box that was pushed to the back of a closet, I began filling it with anything that had once belonged to Satoru. Spare sunglasses, clothes left for when he spent the night, I didn't care if anything got damaged after all he didn't care about how he left an irreparable hole in my heart. After clearing the space of any memory of the man I thought I would spend the rest of my life with, I sunk into the couch.

It hit me again seeing how empty the place looked without the random pairs of glasses on the table, or empty candy wrappers on the counter. I was thrown back into the heartache, letting the tears flow freely as I curled up on the couch, eventually falling asleep there.

The sound of a gentle knock at the door awoke me, around ten the next morning. Wiping the dried tears from my eyes, I took a moment to remind myself that it was probably just whatever sad soul was sent to pick up Satoru's belongings. I was proven right when I opened the door to see Ijichi, standing there, looking as if he would rather not be there at that moment.

"Hello Y/l/n, I'm here to pick up Gojo's belongings." Of course he was trying to keep it formal, he had been like that the very few times I had met him. Ijichi was the only person I had met from Satoru's job, so it wasn't a surprise to see him be the one sent to grab the belongings.

I held up a hand signaling I'd be right back. Grabbing the box of items from the table, I had to fight to hold back even more tears. "Here's everything." I said handing over the box. "I'm sorry he roped you into his mess. Anyway stay safe and don't let Gojo push you around too much. Goodbye Ijichi." I bid the man fair well, as my heart broke even more. Knowing that I no longer had the privilege of calling him by his first name hurt but it was a crucial step in moving on.

Before I could close the door, Ijichi cleared his throat, catching my attention. "It's not my place to say this, but Gojo did this to keep you safe. I can't explain in great detail, but things are getting more dangerous and he doesn't want to see you get hurt because of him." I was left speechless as he gave me a slight hope that everything would eventually turn out fine. "Anyways, I hope you have a good day all things considered." And with that he left carrying the last pieces of my life with Gojo.

I thought on Ijichi's words for a moment as I closed the door and returned to my place on the couch. It made sense that Gojo would want to keep me safe, but surely if he was the strongest, as he claimed all the time, he could have protected me without shattering my heart. As much as I wanted to hold on to the hope that I would be able to be with Gojo again, I had to accept the truth. As of right now, he left me and there's nothing I can do about it.

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