Bios and Important Info

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Alright, to begin, the following four t-dolls are not of Sangvis or IOP origin, instead manufactured by a third party with mainline parts for performance. This company is X-Lab, a project started some time before the Butterfly Incident(If you don't know what it is look it up) but never got much traction in the face of two large competitors that have already established themselves, and served only as an activity to work on in one's free time. 

Following the Butterfly Incident though, the few human staff aware of this project had hopes for it, but with even more limited parts than before, getting an operational doll in the field would take time. But time they did have, up until this point, the operating system for these dolls, what was thought would give them their massive advantage over other dolls, was being worked on behind closed doors. OGAS was going to be used previously, but now there are some...distinct issues with that. Zener could get the job done, but was far too limited for what X-Lab was looking to pull off. Therefore, FWOS was born, an advanced and highly specialized system that attempted to maximize what a doll could do while remaining within legal boundaries. This proved difficult, as the main reason Sangvis dolls were as capable as they are is their non-reliance of Asimov's laws, which bound Zener-operating dolls to be direct servants of humans, rather than an independent fighting force. That was thrown out the window once the Butterfly Incident happened, a system that gave the dolls it operated complete free will, that could only be governed by themselves, even the dolls on OGAS had to listen to someone, but not the dolls of X-Lab.

After some serious time it took to custom engineer parts for these dolls, as Zener dolls' parts were far too archaic and Sangvis parts weren't all that easy to come by. Along with that, no current digimind was adequate for operating these dolls effectively, hence massively slowing production of a prototype, and surfaced another issue. The sheer amount of data that FWOS takes up prevented the scientists from making any variety of backup system for the doll, something both G&K and Sangvis has for their dolls, effectively giving their doll one life until a solution could be worked out. 

Roughly a year passes after the Butterfly Incident before X-Lab has anything but an operating system to show, their first doll, at the time only falling under the title of '001' in preparation for larger scale production of these dolls, which would be more than capable of putting up a good fight one on one with a Sangvis ringleader. That didn't last all that long until their funding dried up after it was heard their dolls would only have one life, which brought things to a immediate halt. 

During this time, X-Lab along with the newly named Ayako, did what they could to scavenge battlefields just to get Ayako in working order, along with the discovery that ringleaders' digiminds could be modified to handle FWOS and repurposed, but finding an intact ringleader digimind that G&K didn't want proved near impossible. X-Lab, in a last ditch effort to get their dolls into some form of adoption, produced three additional specialized dolls to form a team with what little supplies they had left.

Even with that though, X-Lab's dolls didn't gain any attention and X-Lab died out and put the project on hiatus, shutting down their facilities, hence leaving these four dolls without any form of supervision from humans. As for sentient being though, stayed effectively locked up in a base for months wasn't very appealing, and without any humans there, there wasn't anything to stop them. They waited some time, gearing themselves up, each learning how to repair dolls and operate in red zones effectively, as if they started being hunted, that'd be the place to hide. 

When they were ready, clad in heavy gear for dealing with collapse radiation and supplies to stay alive, they left the safe underground walls of their base, and ventured out. X-Lab's facility was in a yellow zone itself, keeping it out of the eyes of the general public and most prying eyes in general, so the dolls didn't have far to go to get themselves into a red zone, where no dolls operate under normal circumstances, nevermind human personnel where it's basically suicide to be. 

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