Chapter 10 - Secrets Revealed

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Persica's team of mercenaries had just arrived and UMP45 was working on getting Kimiko functional again when she encounters the absurd defense and weird data structure the X-Lab doll has, she's used to OGAS and Zener's structure and defense, which are far easier to manage, this seems nearly alien to her. 

Kimiko: I'm just upgraded a bit, nothing to worry about, I can handle digimind related things, just give me a while, everything's slow. 

45: You don't even look Griffin to me, I was willing to put that aside, but this, you're not even operating on anything close to Zener, and I can detect OGAS, who says I shouldn't put you down for being a traitor?

Kimiko: I can explain the OGAS, but that stays confidential, it's dangerous information.

45: Well let's hear it then.

UMP45 was readying herself for a fight, despite the fact her team was with her, the doll, if the odd structure was due to being a prototype SF ringleader, then they'd have a run for their money at the very least. 45 wasn't a stranger to odd prototypes, after all one glance at files regarding her creation, if you could find them, would quickly explain that.

Kimiko: Me and my team are prototype dolls independent of Griffin, currently contracted by them, in specific I'm the EW specialist, OGAS lets me process faster and can detect nearby SF units, rather useful.

45: You still know how every doll has a tell for lying don't you.

Kimiko: I don't speak in any lies, just not the entire truth. 

UMP45 was hesitant to trust this doll, but regarding the fact that Persica sounded somewhat concerned for this team showed that she knew them, the only other time they'd seen her concerned for a team to that degree was for her precious AR Team, UMP45 let the doll handle her own mental recovery, just quickly patching up the few cuts and a graze she had received.

45: How long till you're up?

Kimiko: Three minutes give or take a bit, first field op with this upgrade, getting used to it.  

45: You're down due to mental stress, not damage, the hell were you doing?

Kimiko: Slaughtering an entire flank of Sangvis' assault without needing to fire my gun. 

UMP45 was rather confused by this, a doll's best weapon was always their gun, she could hack systems and let other things fight for her, but that was always situational and inconsistent. She also did note Kimiko keeping her left eye closed despite no damage to it from her initial scan, but all dolls have something personal they keep, after all her scar could be fixed, she simply chose to keep it. 

There was relative silence between the teams while UMP9 and HK416 set up a defense, and G11 went back to sleeping, sparking a remark from Kimiko.

Kimiko: Your teammate over there always asleep during battle, doesn't seem like the best quality for a team of mercenaries.

416: She's reliable when it counts, she doesn't need to be awake right now so she isn't. 

Kimiko: Every doll has their oddity I guess. 

45: Your very being is an oddity to everything I've seen. 

Kimiko: Well that is a rather useful thing to be. 

A brief couple moments later, Kimiko starts standing up, she had mostly recovered from her previous mental damage, something Persica would have to look at later, but for now she was combat-effective. She picks up her rifle and loads her magazine he had tried to load previously, however comms have been silent, gunfire was still definitely present but had slowed down, chances are Sangvis has a jammer going, so naturally Kimiko starts working on pinpointing it's location. 

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