Chapter 23 - A Returning Friend

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Team 404, or more specifically UMP45, was making some calls around to some of their contacts, hoping someone was both decently close and owed them enough to repair the experimental tech in Kimiko.

Unfortunately, 404 doesn't really work in favors very often since few will ever remember them to begin with, but the few that did owe them either didn't have the ability to repair a doll, or were too far away. So, with some hesitation she gives a very certain someone a call, something both she and 404's budget would likely regret.

UMP45: Sergei, this line secure?

Sergei: Da, 45, to what do I owe the pleasure?

This Sergei was currently serving as 404's go-to mechanic in the area since they really can only employ someone who works entirely privately. Because of that of course, like any good entrepreneur, Sergei charged a very pretty penny since he knew 404 had few other options beside him. 

UMP45: I need a doll repaired and it done quick.

Sergei: Just for you I'll offer you the one-time price of.....say hundred grand.

Now of course there is distinct sarcasm in Sergei's voice while her conveys his price, but UMP45 knows full well it'll only get worse from there. On top of that, with Kimiko's tech, it might even be a steal of a price for all she knows. 

UMP45: Deal, we'll be there in an hour. 

Sergei: No negotiation? I was looking forward to attempts this time. 

UMP45 just ends the call from her end with a scowl on her face, admittedly Sangvis had offered her about five times that for Kimiko alive, and G&K paid pretty well as well, but maintaining dolls like all of 404 was anything but a cheap matter. She hoped they could get back to working soon so they don't have any money problems, especially since they'll have Kimiko with them for a while. 

The following hour of driving was calm, at least as calm as it could be with the rather rugged terrain they were going through right now, HK416 was a pretty good driver but when the path is more pothole than road there's only so much someone can do. 

Sergei's workshop was deep into a forest and up onto a mountain, a rather calm place since neither Sangvis nor Griffin found any real value in the area. With some luck the place may not even see combat, but with how the war between SF and G&K is going, there's no guarantees for that. 

Arriving almost at the mountain's peak, 404 dismounted in front of a rather humble house, nothing too special about it from the outside, but it sported one hell of a basement as 404 had since learned. 

404 all would be going inside, Sergei's living room was far more comfortable than the van most assuredly, though they definitely didn't forget their guns. UMP45 went to knock on the door but it opened before her hand made it to the door, and behind it was Sergei. He was a rather tall Slavic man, somewhere in the department of two meters of height, and his voice had a very distinct accent, even more in person than over the phone. 

Sergei: Welcome, welcome, new team member?

UMP45: Could say that, to business.

Sergei: Of course, bring her with, rest of you can sit, may take time. 

Sergei steps back from the door and starts walking through his house and eventually makes his way to the basement, followed closely by UMP45 carrying Kimiko. Meanwhile the rest of 404 gets comfortable in the living room, G11 even gets to rest on HK416's lap to sleep. 

Sergei: So what happened with doll?

UMP45: Power surge.

Sergei: You make me regret my price.

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