Chapter 20 - Retribution

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When Ayako arrives back at the X-Lab dorm she quietly lets herself inside and sets her Groza down on the desk, moving to the side of the still-sleeping Kimiko. Ayako softly shook her shoulder to wake her, being softer than when she had done it previous times, Kimiko deserves a soft awakening. 

It didn't turn out to be that way, not quite at least; Kimiko's left eye was glowing a bright purple as per usual whenever she interfaced with OGAS or lost control of it, Ayako expected a similar case to what had happened when she first was awoken the day prior. 

That wasn't the case though, instead of drawing a weapon or trying to kill Ayako, she stared into Ayako's eyes for a moment before her head lowered, then was quickly brought back up with her left eye glowing far less, seeming to have returned to normal.

Ayako: You okay there?

Kimiko: Your OGAS is strong.

Ayako: I know, what happened?

Kimiko: Whenever OGAS takes control it still sees you as an ally, but nobody else. 

Ayako: It recognizes me as a ringleader as I technically am then, good. 

Kimiko: What time is it?

Ayako: About 0600 now, you need to get ready, and bring along your deep interface tech, I'm going to need it. 

Kimiko: Am I allowed to ask why?

Ayako: I'm upgrading Haz, with Springfield her range isn't as necessary. 

Kimiko: Alright, if you need help just ask. 

Ayako: You got it, but what I'm planning you won't know your way around. 

Kimiko: You and your spectacular ideas.

Ayako: Is that a bit of sarcasm I sense?

Kimiko: Take it as you will. 

Ayako then lets go of Kimiko's shoulder and stands up, retrieving her Groza from the desk and going to the door again.

Ayako: Take your time, 0800.

Ayako then sees herself out and goes to make sure Nako and Springfield are up and not doing anything too exciting. It takes her a good few minutes to actually find Springfield's room, but she knocks softly on it when she inevitably does. 

It takes a moment but the door opens and shows Springfield adjusting her collar and the bow around it. She looks fresh out of the shower, her hair still somewhat wet and with a distinct scent of shampoo in the room. 

Ayako: Springfield, how's everything?

Springfield: Upgrade feels good, like brand new again.

Ayako: Well that's just step one, once I actually get my hands on good parts it'll feel a lot better. 

Springfield: Here to check on Nako?

Ayako: You know me, how is she?

Springfield: In the shower at the moment, need to speak with her?

Ayako: No, I trust you'll have her ready when we need to leave, probably looking better than she usually does.

Springfield: I'll see what I can do then.

Ayako then turns and walks back from whence she came, then out to the helipad, setting herself up on the roof of the supply shed for the helicopters, watching over the entire rear section of the compound while she waits. 

The helicopter shows up early to Ayako's surprise, 0730 sharp, it's marked with an '02' on the tail, showing it's clearly here for them, perhaps they were already busy and didn't want to bother heading back to base then straight here and just came directly. 

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