Chapter 8 - A Walkover

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Kimiko: Can you not mention it, still getting used to everything.

Ayako: Not going to tell anyone else, but if it becomes a problem Persica will know. 

Kimiko: I'll keep it in check, still getting used to everything. 

Ayako: Alright, I'm going to go speak with Persica. 

Ayako leaves the room and closes the door behind her, heading off to find Persica, wherever she may be at this point. 

Nako: What was that all about Kimiko?

Kimiko: OGAS has some influence over me, I slightly pulled my pistol on Kryuger when we were talking, still trying to control it completely. 

Nako: That ain't good, you sure you can manage, can always undo it if you need right?

Kimiko: Probably not, but I just need to keep putting up more walls between me and OGAS.

Kimiko goes and lays face down on her bed and relaxes, all the while working on containing OGAS more in her head. 

Back with Ayako, she's looking around the repair bay for Persica right now, that's where she'd probably be right now at least. Persica is the one that finds Ayako though when she comes back with a cup of coffee, first noting Ayako, then that Kimiko has left. 

Persica: What brings you here Ayako, looking for me?

Ayako: Yes actually, we need to speak. 

Persica: About Kimiko?

Ayako: What else could it possibly be about?

Persica: Getting upgrades for the rest of your team, dunno. 

Persica walks back into the back room again, what has effectively become the go-to meeting room for X-Lab's secret meeting with Persica.

Persica: So what's up with Kimiko.

Ayako: She nearly pulled a gun on Kryuger in our dorm.

Persica: Did I hear you correctly?

Ayako: Unfortunately yes, how far did it go?

Persica: It was just .4 over, you said .5 was acceptable.

Ayako: And I said .3 for safety, .5 was to get it to function properly, she's a risk to anyone in her presence now!

Persica: Look, saying as the base isn't in complete chaos, Kryuger didn't notice, just need to take away some of OGAS's privileges, I'll start working on something to control it now, I thought she could handle it. 

Ayako: Well clearly not, you better have that done by the time we next see each other, otherwise we'll have issues. 

Persica: I understand, but I have a request from Kryuger for you all. 

Ayako: And what's that?

Persica: There's a Sangvis FOB near your last AO that we discovered, Kryuger wants a test run of Kimiko's upgrades, he doesn't know about OGAS so just tell her to shut it out completely. 

Ayako: You have us the data we need in writing?

Persica: Of course.

Persica hands a folder to Ayako, who snatches it from her and turns to leave.

Ayako: Knew I shouldn't have trusted you with my team. 

Ayako nearly slams the door behind her as she walks out, she's pissed at Persica now, not only had she nearly made Kimiko into an Sangvis doll, but then immediately threw them on a mission before she solved her problem. 

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