Chapter 5 - GTFO

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The X-Lab dolls wait patiently for the inevitable assault on their position, each with the silent hope that the helicopter intended to rescue them won't get shot down and have to be rescued themself. 

The forest and field surrounding the church they've hunkered down in is silent, though chances are some SF forces are hidden and waiting for them, Jaegers being the main concern due to their range and accuracy. 

Kimiko's leg injury has been mostly stabilized by Ayako, she can move, just not too fast for fear of further damaging herself. Otherwise, Nako isn't feeling pain anymore, and the squad is doing just fine, just not in a great position when it comes to ammo, since none of them quite predicted that they would be in a firefight like what's about to happen. 

They aren't left with much time to prepare though as shots from range start landing around them, likely a strategy to keep them pinned down to cover the advance of a large ground force, and there isn't much the dolls can do about it other than hold their position and hope SF is dumb enough not to flank them. 

They all decide to just get back into a more shielded section of the church, offering brick walls on all sides except the front, with mostly Ayako's shield and Nako acting as cover for the dolls, as church pews aren't the most bullet-resistant of cover. 

The X-Lab dolls aren't going to fire until they can guarantee hits, since they can't afford to spend ammo where it isn't entirely necessary, though chances are some combat will devolve into hand-to-hand, where the X-Lab dolls have a serious advantage. 

Meanwhile, instead of fighting or waiting, Kimiko is relaying their position back to Griffen, jamming SF comms to minimize reinforcements, and occasionally prodding at the defenses of OGAS that all SF dolls are equipped with, with minimal success, but anything's worth a shot at this point. 

The first from X-Lab to return fire is Haz, with her scope and ranged capability she targets priorities, mostly Jaegers sitting at range that will cause problems in the future if not handled swiftly. 

It isn't long after that until SF has the building mostly surrounded, and still there is barely any fire from X-Lab, they'll wait as long as they can before firing at SF, since they likely don't have enough ammo anyway, best they're already close to melee range. 

The first couple groups of rippers and guards attempting to breach the front door are put down swiftly by grenades from Nako, though she only carries two, and with those out, each doll takes turn popping out of cover, unloading into a group, and dropping back down before they get hit, conserving ammo as much as they can. 

They've likely put down close to a hundred SF fodder units before things start getting serious, SF has started to get in from windows, and their attempts to open the rear door of the church can be heard in the lulls of gunfire, thankfully it's locked, but maybe not for very long. 

In response, Kimiko moves to cover the rear door with her rifle, stopping her hacking and jamming to keep her squad alive, Haz is left mostly to occasional shots knocking out Jaegers that get uncomfortably close shots, Ayako's shield is more dents than shield at this point, it isn't designed to take that many impacts, Nako is hunkered down behind Ayako, taking down stray targets with her AK when she sees them.

Ayako: They're fucking everywhere! Kimiko ETA on CASEVAC!?

Kimiko: Five minutes, and AR team will be on scene in 10!

Five minutes isn't fast enough, they're going to need to do something, and Kimiko has just the thing, searching through the blueprints of the church, she's established that she and her team can retreat to the basement and hopefully fight their way out when their support arrives, plus give her team the ability to crush some Sangvis in close quarters if they run dry. 

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