Chapter 36 - Slight Issue

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SOP: I can't see anything, just normal SF fodder, a lot of them.

Ayako: There's bound to be a ringleader around then, keep an eye out. 

SOP: Should we engage and help those dolls?

Ayako: Ideally not but they also might have the power units, we've got to join in one way or another.

SOP: Is there anything you can do from here?

Ayako: Can lend you my systems, let you have a lot more power and a command module, I doubt those dolls are under direct command. 

SOP: Is that going to take more of your-

Ayako: Don't worry about it, I'll be fine, just let me interface with you for a little while, then you can join in. 

SOP just lets Ayako do her work, she knows it'll probably be slower than usual, but that's fine, normally it's barely even a full second, now shouldn't be all that long all things considered. But time dragged on, five seconds, then ten, then twenty, thirty, and SOP had to speak.

SOP: You okay Ayako? It's taking a while there.

She got no answer, just silence from Ayako, and traffic slowed down back to it's normal levels just a few moments after SOP spoke. Whatever Ayako was doing, she was done, but she also wasn't responsive.

SOP: Ayako? What's going on?

SOP only offers a brief moment for an answer before taking matters into her own hands and running diagnostics on Ayako. 

Critical Systems: Online

Power: Critical Low (2%)

External Systems: Offline

Digimind Level: Two

Charge Rate: -0.5%/hour

Self-Preservation: Online

Bond-Preservation: Hindered

These were considered most critical by Ayako's systems, to simplify all of this, SOP made the assumption that something to do with interfacing with her resulted in power being drained faster than expected and forced Ayako into a level two in order to ensure there's still coolant being circulated and keeping her alive. 

The mention of 'Bond-Preservation' was confusing to her though, it shouldn't be that critical to Ayako's own functioning to be listed up with things like power. But that, SOP didn't quite have the time to question now, Ayako now wouldn't be cooperating and would be far harder to move because of it. 

So it begins, SOP started her job by setting Ayako down and ensuring she was safe and in cover, even if explosives were to be hurled in their direction. SOP didn't know what her target would be, there wasn't much distinct to take shots at, really whatever decided to turn and return fire would be a priority. 

So SOP let her rifle start with the negotiations, the first burst put down a couple Jaegers that might become an issue later, the second was for some Strikers that were physically closest, and no fire came her way quite yet. SOP didn't even draw an ounce of fire, which was concerning, SF would normally retarget and split their fire to keep both groups under fire, a ringleader was overriding that and continuing to fire on the other dolls.

Now, why would a ringleader possibly do that, even if they did know that SOP was low on ammo and was effectively alone, letting her make good use of that ammo wouldn't be ideal. They could believe they are close to taking down the G&K dolls, but that didn't really seem to be the case, alternatively, they could simply think that SOP wasn't a threat. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02 ⏰

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