Chapter 13 - Trauma

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The Sangvis Ferri base Ayako was held at was nearly silent, since most of their forces were just obliterated by X-Lab and 404, most of the personnel are Ringleader's personal guards and the ringleaders themselves. 

Ayako was slowly gaining consciousness again, after the hit from the Aegis' mace she took pretty severe damage so it took a rather long while. She awoke in an unknown environment, everything was dark and unwelcoming, to a human it would seem pitch black, but Ayako could see, not well, but enough. She was tied down to a chair, that much she knew from her sense of touch, but with her limited sight, she was in a cell, the walls of concrete, even at full strength with her shield she probably wouldn't make them budge. 

However, she didn't notice any nearby presence, nothing silently watching her, which was odd, did SF really think that lowly of her that she wouldn't be able to find some way out of these bindings? Perhaps not, the chair she was attached to was cemented into the ground, and the chains that bound her to it were of thick steel, she had no chance of breaking them. 

But for now, there was no danger, she knew SF had control of her, and wanted something from her, be it information or cooperation, she would deny them both, her mind was strong even without her team by her side, she knew it would be only a matter of time before someone in G&K found her, but how long could it take them? Did they even know she was alive, or had SF already jammed any signal she was transmitting?

She wasn't left to her thoughts for long, footsteps she heard outside of her cell, strong footsteps, like what you would hear from someone confidently striding into battle already knowing the outcome. Ayako had no idea who it may be, or even if it was her they were walking to, for all she knew it was just someone on patrol. 

That proved to not be the case, a figure stops at her cell, she can't manage to get any real identification on them, other than the lack of heavy equipment and a rather tall stature. They open the door and enter promptly, closing the door and not locking it behind them, but it likely didn't matter. 

Soon they seen to notice Ayako is awake, offering a quiet movement and a flick of a switch, after a short moment the lights flicker on, Ayako's eyes quickly readjust to the light and she gets to really see what's happening. 

In front of her is Alchemist, SF's most well-known interrogator, known for brutal practices to get her victims to talk, but Ayako knew that no pain could possibly make her admit defeat, after all, she was designed to only properly respond to feelings of enjoyment, which is why she always remained stoic. 

On the table beside her, a myriad of tools for torture, that much is obvious, Alchemist likely planned to use every single one on her if need be, once again, it wouldn't be enough, the only way to make her break would be leveraging a part of her OS that only her team and Persica knew about, so no threat was posed. 

Alchemist: So look who's finally woken up, I've been waiting a long time you know?

Ayako: Shut up and let's get going, you're already giddy for this aren't you?

Alchemist: Ah it seems you already know me, that makes things easier, though what would you like to begin with? Waterboarding perhaps?

Ayako: Quiet and let's begin, you'll learn in due time this doll isn't breaking.

Alchemist: Oh how wonderful it will be to shatter your willpower~.

Alchemist offers a sadistic smirk and walks beside Ayako to the table, grabbing two items, a cloth and a large jug of water, seems waterboarding is on the menu, but it is probably just an appetizer to Alchemist. 

Alchemist covers Ayako's mouth with the cloth and pulls her head back, Ayako just braces herself for the unending pain to come, she knew in the end she wouldn't break, but it would be a struggle the entire time. Ice cold water soon covers her face and body, Ayako holds her breath, the freezing water doing her no favors in the clearly not air-conditioned environment. 

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