Chapter 14 - Submission

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The sensation after one commits suicide isn't what one should ever be experiencing, even for a doll, that feeling won't be true since they are simply rebuilt. Ayako though, she didn't feel the physical pain of shooting herself as she just had, everything hurt far worse, physical pain was childsplay to her, but the feeling of killing one she had sworn a oath to, even if she hadn't known it yet, was one she hadn't yet experienced, and it was enough to put a crack in that stoic and unbreakable shield Ayako always has. 

The sensation remains, Ayako does her best to trust her logical thinking, that was fake, there was absolutely no way the entirety of AR team would have been captured, and willingly executed just to break her, those four dolls were worth more than her alone. Deep within her though, she can't fool her own programming, such an intense feeling of dread, loosing the person whom you swore your very life to, even with the many Ayako has killed, human and doll alike, is a pain she can't bear. 

Some time after Ayako killed herself in her mind, she reawakes in the room with just Elisa once again, still directly next to her, holding the syringe, just pulled from her side, like only a couple seconds had passed. 

Elisa: And that'll be all, give OGAS it's time and soon you'll be perfect, along with leaving that pesky bond system behind. 

Ayako didn't bother speaking, this was still all a part of Elisa's game, breaking her actual programming and invading with OGAS was a part sure, but Ayako's will still remained, and she had only served to anger it further. Ayako wanted so thoroughly to kill Elisa here and now, for taking SOP from her, even if it wasn't real. The overwhelming desire to even just self-destruct and end Elisa along with herself was present, but she stopped herself, there would be nobody to protect SOP from further harm. 

She could have hampered, if not entirely ended Sangvis' war effort then and there, with but a single decision if she so desired, yet she didn't, she had to continue living. It may seem selfish, and perhaps it was, not doing so surely would result in far more death and despair, but to Ayako, those people don't matter, as she had told Persica, SOP comes before any form of logical thinking, saving her life at the cost of thousands was far from out-of-play. 

Elisa: How wonderful your face is, killing your beloved SOP has great effect on you I know, I'm impressed you can still even put up a little fight against OGAS, guess your personality does leak into everything.

Ayako: Tell me, do you understand what you've brought upon yourself?

Elisa: I now have a wonderfully powerful doll that is nearly perfect, no consequence is too great for that you see.

Ayako: And yet here I am, still in defiance of you, OGAS is strong, that I can admit, but to dominate the spirit of someone sporting such unbridled rage is beyond it's reach.

Elisa: Say what you may, but it has yet to finish my dearest Ayako, though I suppose that name won't be very fitting for you now.....Liberator.

Ayako: So you have a gall to give me a title as ringleader, without even knowing that you can control me?

Elisa: No, I'm fully aware of the control I have over you, even with OGAS partially installed, I could force you to go slaughter an entire echelon of Griffin, but I'd much rather you do this on your own volition, or well.....your body's volition. I know my limits for now though, requesting you harm your team or beloved SOP won't end well for me, so for now that'll be off the table, for now. 

While Elisa is speaking Ayako's vision blacks out momentarily, and when she reopens her eyes, they are far different, her vision enhanced, everything finely tuned, an advanced HUD displayed for her, but it burns like the pits of hell itself. 

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