Chapter 29 - Getting a Move On

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Kimiko awoke the following morning in a pretty usual state for her - mild headache because of OGAS, still a little tired, and not wanting to wake up to begin with - but it definitely wasn't the usual. Her head was softly being pat and she was cuddled up to someone, and it didn't take Kimiko too long to remember what had happened the prior night. 

And so, not wanting to aggravate AK-12, Kimiko raised her head with half-asleep eyes to show she was, in fact, awake. Kimiko hadn't really expected a gentle awakening, she had believed that AK-12 was drunk last night and that was the reason for her different behavior. But it seems that isn't the case, Kimiko was met with a soft smile, not a smirk but a smile, a surprisingly genuine one at that. 

AK-12: I know it's early but you can sleep on the way, just need to get going soon.

Kimiko: What time is it?

AK-12: Just about 4 in the morning. How are you doing? 

Kimiko: Fine, little tired but that's all.

AK-12: Alright, take your time, you have half an hour before we start loading equipment. 

AK-12 slowly pushed Kimiko off to the side and got up herself, buttoning her shirt again and throwing her jacket up onto her shoulders. Then she went and punched a code into her weapons locker and pulled her rifle from it. Her other hand came out with Kimiko's rifle as well, setting it on the bed where she just was.

AK-12: You're lucky your gun takes 5.45, otherwise you wouldn't be getting it. 

Kimiko: T-Thanks.

Kimiko barely manages a single word while making a rather poor attempt to get out of bed, slightly stumbling before finding her footing once her feet finally do get to the ground. Then she starts putting on her boots and all of the gear she had removed the night prior, paying AK-12 and her rather distinct smirk no mind.

AK-12: If you come out of my room with your hair looking like that people will get the wrong idea you know?

AK-12 was far from joking, Kimiko's hair was an absolute mess, it wasn't too long but that certainly didn't prevent it from looking impressively messed up. Perhaps it was AK-12 that had caused with her headpats, who knows?

Kimiko: And what would that idea be pray tell?

Kimiko had hoped that would shut AK-12 up, at least not offer a direct answer, but she didn't quite account for the fact that AK-12 just didn't care.

AK-12: That you and I shared a night of passion in which you got your hair messed up.

Kimiko couldn't help but turn a shade of red, she didn't expect AK-12 to be that direct. She diverted her eye from AK-12 in hopes of derailing that conversation.

AK-12: I don't think AN would like that, best you fix your hair.

Kimiko quickly got to it, not wanting to tempt AK-12 with any other potentially sexual comments, but seemed to be struggling without anything to brush her hair with. 

AK-12 of course adorned a soft smirk and stretched a little before she gave Kimiko a soft wave and walked out of her room. Now alone, Kimiko looked for some sort of brush for her hair, deciding to just steal AK-12's for now, surely she had one to keep her hair looking as good as it does. 

She does get lucky and finds one on the nightstand and hastily brushes her hair well enough to be passable, and gets back to the more pressing matter. Getting all of her equipment on took a fair minute, mostly because half of it had to get plugged into her battery system. But with that done, Kimiko slings her rifle onto her and goes off to grab the rest of her gear, back in her corner. 

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