Chapter 3 - Logistics

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In the new X-Lab dorm Ayako is the first to awaken, or well, not really awaken, since she hadn't really slept to begin with, she was finicking with a project she'd wanted to finish up for a while. It was once part of a ringleader, the module they use to interface with OGAS to control other SF fodder, a key part of a ringleader's combat capability is the army they bring with them, and Ayako is trying to allow her team, more specifically Kimiko to do that same thing, success of course is limited at best, and trumping another ringleader didn't seem likely, but it's worth a shot.

She decides to stop working for a while, letting her teammates sleep while she goes and takes an early morning walk around base, exploring a little bit in the time. Most of the other dolls seem to be asleep or ending their shift on nightwatch, something she has great respect for, since it is extremely important and almost unanimously disliked. The human staff though are all definitely asleep, since it's about 4:30 in the morning, nobody should be up without reason at this point.

She is intrigued by the several mentions of this miss Persica she's heard, since she knows the name as the inventor of the imprinting system that IOP and G&K by extent uses for their dolls, along with several other things relating to T-Dolls. If anyone would understand them it would likely be her, hopefully at least, depends on her opinion of dolls and their purpose.

She does go over her usual lies about her and her team, since revealing too much is never good, always best to keep secrets, even from your apparent allies, as you never know when they may become your enemy. Some wouldn't work on someone who is actually versed in high-tech dolls and how they work, making sure everything she says is at least a partial truth, since a lie is far harder to detect if it's only half a lie.

She plans to tell this Persica how their hardware works, since they'll inevitably need to be repaired, and having someone understand that process other than her team is good, in case any of them are to go down in combat, so repairs can take place without taking the rest of the team out of the fight, though they are likely complex enough to make sure no normal T-Doll repair technician would be able to repair them without the knowledge on how to do so, and likely would have problems getting parts of high enough quality to actually use.

She's pulled from her thoughts by the whirring of helicopter blades, sure to disturb any light sleeper, probably just another team of T-Dolls or supplies, the base seems too dead for any operations being launched. The lack of silence though sends her back to her dorm to think, since she hopefully won't get interrupted there, she never enjoyed chatting much with people she doesn't know, best to just handle business.

When she gets back all of her team is awake, with the exception of Kimiko, still sleeping soundly from her drinking the previous night, Nako is cleaning her shotgun silently, and Haz is just spinning a knife in her hand, but stops and stands to talk with Ayako once she gets back.

Haz: You sure this is a good idea, I get it's going well but seems a bit too good.

Ayako: Not sure, all I know is have you three backing me up, we'll handle what comes to use, I'll handle speaking with miss Persica by myself so nobody lets information slip, I'll make damn sure we'll stay together and under FWOS at the very least, otherwise I'll be the only one leaving the room.

Nako: No way it'll be one on one anyway, someone that high profile is bound to have guards of some type.

Ayako: True that, but likely no more than two, and you know I can handle that without issue, unless they're proper military dolls, but IOP doesn't have those.

Haz: Regardless, be careful, she's dangerous if she gets ahold of our OS.

Ayako: I know, I know, you don't have to worry about me you know.

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