Chapter 11 - To Save a Life...

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UMP45 is left with her team and the soon-to-be unconscious Kimiko, she wants to handle UMP9's minor injuries, but Kimiko requires attention that if she doesn't receive, her team will pay a high price, that she understands. 

So she moves from UMP9's side to Kimiko's, starting the process of moving Kimiko into level three as she was told to, but with the security down as Nako said, it's rather tempting to access all the information Kimiko has to offer. If that is actually a good idea though, remains up in the air, as she recalls, Kimiko does have an operational version of OGAS on her, and it could spread like an infection if left unchecked. 

In the end she decides her curiosity isn't worth the risk of compromising herself, and simply puts Kimiko into level three, letting her body go limp and slowing all of her internal functions, with the side effect of slowing the rate at which she's loosing coolant, she should last a little longer, but UMP45 estimates it's at most five minutes until she's lost enough to cause irreparable damage. 

A good chunk of the Sangvis forces are funneling through the various entrances of the buildings, meaning that 404 Squad lacks time to really lock down their position, holding both doors with two members each, and hoping whatever Nako went off to do draws enough attention away from them.   

Over with Nako though, things aren't going well, her shotgun lacked the necessary ammunition to push through the Sangvis in the building at a good pace, and her rifle is rather unwieldy in the thin corridors where the majority of the forces she needs to kill are. 

The logical progression would simply be to slow down and handle things with her rifle, but she lacked the commodity that is time. Her choice was more in-line with her style, slinging both of her guns and pulling her knife, if need be she'd just run through everything here, pain only matters when you start feeling it, which would be after Ayako had a path to Kimiko. 

She could tell from the occasional gunfire and shouting that the rest of her team was on the second story, and she had to find some way up. So that's what she did, sprinting from her cover as the armor that is her tattoos cover her once again, not even bothering to kill the first ripper in her way, simply sending it to the ground and out of the fight with the sheer force of impact. 

The fighting is tense, as close quarters always is, despite the energy she has behind her, Nako does slow for any Aegis units she spots, getting close to them in any case, even for her, is suicide. Her armor only really works for penetrative forces like bullets or blades, blunt impact would still deal significant damage with force behind it. There are only two of them she spots on her run though, each being put down with a shotgun shell before she returns to her sprint. Everything else either gets a well-placed stab with her knife, or simply pushed down and out of her way. 

Making it to the first set of stairs she finds, she immediately finds her way up it, expecting her team to be close, she yells out for them.

Nako: Ayako, Kimiko's injured, she needs you. 

Her shouts fall on deaf ears though, admittedly the building is large, but with the previous gunfire and shouting having concluded, she isn't sure where to go. Looking around there is many rooms around, many of which are littered with bullet-shaped holes in the walls, the drywall here proves insufficient to stop bullets, that could be the downfall of those that don't realize it, but surely Ayako would know. 

Her thoughts don't last long, up until the point she hears grunting and a loud clang of metal against metal, a sound she is very familiar with, so she immediately runs towards it. It's in a smaller room that seems to be attached to a larger one, that one has concrete walls, probably the actual command room of the building, but the side room was of drywall like everything else on this floor. 

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