Chapter 30 - When It Rains It Pours

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Kimiko sat and waited, the time between now and tomorrow wouldn't be filled with fun or anything really, just a lot of waiting around. There wouldn't be any campfire due to a risk of being detected, talking would be minimal since DEFY was on an operation now, and Kimiko herself didn't want to show up as too much of a weak link if she could help it. But this brought up her next question: where was she sleeping? 

Her answer didn't come for a pretty long time, hours passed, the dolls of DEFY went on scouting missions to familiarize themselves with the area, patrols were either avoided or dealt with decisively. But the answer to Kimiko's question did come eventually, pretty late into the night as everyone but the night watch - currently AK-15 - went to bed. 

AK-12 motioned Kimiko to follow when she headed off to her tent, and Kimiko already knew this was a bad idea for her, but she would rather that than sleep outside on the ground, nor could she deny such a request from her bondmate. So Kimiko did follow, taking her boots and most of her other gear off before entering AK-12's tent. 

The sight she was met with was rather confusing at first, of course AK-12 was present, but AN-94 was as well. On top of that, the former barely had more than her undergarments on, and the latter seemed to be equally embarrassed as Kimiko, judging from the blush adorning now both of their faces. 

AK-12: See something you like~?

Kimiko had heard this from AK-12 before, the very first time they met, at the door to the cabin DEFY was staying at. Then Kimiko had a reason for staring, AK-12's eyes, now she just can't help but look at AK-12 as much as she can.

AK-12: I'll take that as a yes, now come on, lay down between us.

Kimiko promptly follows her orders and finds herself between both of her bondmates, AN-94 of course is rather timid and doesn't do much other than lay there, AK-12, not so much. AK-12 went to rotating Kimiko to face AN-94 instead of looking upward, then pulled her back into her chest. It certainly was a welcome pillow for Kimiko, she wasn't going to complain about it, but now AN-94 looked rather left out of this. AK-12 quickly solved this issue.

AK-12: Come here Annie, I'm sure Kimiko would like it. 

Kimiko: Annie, didn't know you used human names.

AK-12: Originally for an undercover mission where we couldn't be known dolls, but the name stuck. 

While AK-12 and Kimiko exchanged words, AN-94 slowly moved to press herself against Kimiko, she didn't get a pillow quite on the level that Kimiko was getting, but one may be surprised at how well Kimiko's chest is hidden beneath all of her gear, such is the advantage of a large chest-rig,

Kimiko: Like you could fool anyone into that.

AK-12: Are you saying that we aren't capable of deceptive acts?

Kimiko: I'm saying....

Kimiko's speech quickly devolves into little more than soft mumbles that even AN-94 can't decipher despite barely a few inches being between Kimiko's mouth and her ears.

AK-12: You're going to have to speak up dear, can't make out those adorable mumbles. 

That just made Kimiko turn red, she wouldn't be getting used to this kind of teasing any time soon, it was distinctly out of the ordinary for her. Her team teased her but not in this kind of way, here Kimiko was embarrassed because AK-12 was complimenting her, little more than that.

Kimiko: You can't fool anyone because you're too perfect. 

Although Kimiko practically slams her mouth shut after letting out those words, she didn't lie, at least not in her eyes. She believed that no human could be of such fine construction with a distinct personality like AK-12 had, maybe she was right. 

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