Chapter 34 - Continue Ever On

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Download Failed: Data Expunged

A set of words AK-12 had wished never to see. It was just one percent of the data missing, surely it could be manipulated and fixed is what a normal person would say, even if it did take time. But AK-12 knew dolls - extremely well - and she knew that one percent of a doll's data missing could be the difference between memories or not, or it could be a part of her neural cloud, which without, the data would slowly fall apart. 

AK-12 tried to look at what exactly this missing data was, surely Kimiko's data was smart enough to realize what was missing and start to try to repair it. But that's precisely the issue, there wasn't anything being complained about, the data seemed perfectly content despite missing a whole percent of the data. Was it excess that wasn't necessary? Was it something to do with OGAS? AK-12 didn't know, and at the moment had another problem of her own.

You see, downloading an experimental doll's entire neural cloud was anything but light on storage space. DEFY dolls did have an excess of space but this was a lot of data even for them, so much so that AK-12 probably had little but a couple extra gigabytes of space, which for a doll was barely anything, such could be filled in a couple minutes with memories. 

So a race for time began, AK-12 trying to find data that could be removed from her own systems so that Kimiko's data wasn't erased. She couldn't find much, most of a doll's storage - other than their neural cloud - was memories. She did find data on some other weapons that could be erased, each bought her a couple extra minutes, but little more. And with that there was little else she could do. 

She could do, AK-12 wasn't the only person here with a solution, Haz of course had her technical know-how from Ayako. Surely Haz had a solution to this problem, right?

AK-12: Haz, I have her data, but I need more space, ideas?


AK-12: Yeah, I'm an EW doll, I've done it hundreds of times.

Haz: You fucking imbecile, remember how she works!?

Realization - not the good kind - was what AK-12 was now experiencing. She had ignored the fact that Kimiko's neural cloud was self-repairing, which normally would be great, but Kimiko's neural cloud did a bit more than that. Her neural cloud was pseudo-sentient, which was what controlled many of the important hacks she did more commonly as it was a subconscious action to her. Kimiko's cloud didn't know where it was, what it was in, and how it got there, this was not good. 

AK-12: Oh shi-

Everything went black, Kimiko's neural cloud had pierced into AK-12's and it wasn't playing nice, it emulated a massive amount of traffic and practically crashed AK-12 in an instant, Kimiko's cloud thought AK-12 was trying to capture it, and it didn't like that. But with a crashed AK-12, Kimiko's cloud had full access to everything it wanted, everything it hadn't seen before, including very important information about the doll herself, her designation. 

Traffic stopped near-instantly, there was an effort from Kimiko's cloud to get AK-12 up and running again, but 12's cloud wasn't responding. So Kimiko's cloud did what it did best, it didn't care for repercussions. It hacked AK-12, again, but this time it wasn't trying to overload her neural cloud, but instead tried to integrate their systems. 

It did thankfully take the time to ensure they were still separate, but it would be hard to really notice that, Kimiko's cloud had most of the control of AK-12 now. But now - after realizing that AK-12 was in fact her bond - got AK-12 back up and running, and that was near impossible to do without Kimiko's cloud practically being AK-12's itself. 

So AK-12 woke, everything started back up, and her eyes opened up, met with temporarily blinding light of the sun and a hand tensing. The rest of the team was still processing what exactly was happening, AR team and Springfield had no clue what was happening, and now had more reason to be confused. Neither Nako nor Haz were previously unaware of what was happening, but now they certainly were. AK-12 sat up from the ground and looked around. 

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