Chapter 1 - Difficult Situation

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The four dolls of X-Lab wander aimlessly through the wastelands that are red zones, each with a different opinion on what they're doing, for some, it's 'this is what we had to do', for others 'maybe we should have stayed at base'. Either way, they've committed to this, they have to wander out of the red zones for supplies occasionally, that's where they're most likely to encounter enemies, and exactly what they're doing right now. They've set up a point near the transition of harmful to harmless collapse radiation for them where they are staging themselves and resting when they get the chance. 

The four recently entered a yellow zone, after interacting with some survivors here last week and their situation being found out, they suspect they might have to make it into a green zone before they'll find anyone willing to sell them anything, which is bad as at this point, Sangvis has figured them out, aware as to their lack of any home base, and up to specs of a ringleader, a great doll to convert with time. G&K has also heard of them, but with the situation they're in, they don't have the resources or time to get them, knowing that chances are Sangvis will get their hands on them.

They try to be inconspicuous but with four heavily equipped dolls it isn't all that easy, and the previous owner of X-Lab formally declared them as rouge, and with that their appearance is known to many, especially those with ties to Sangvis or G&K. Hopefully though it won't matter to whoever sells them supplies, as they need it rather desperately and can't afford any time lost waiting around. 

They do find a shop selling what they need near the edge of the green zone, stopping in, buying ammo in masse to keep themselves supplied, as that's really all they need to worry about in the situation now. Unbeknownst to them though, this shop owner had seen them before, not denying them a purchase but making a call to G&K regarding them, one that the dolls would not like. 

Nako: What do you mean you're out of 12 gauge, you sell ammo, it's the single most common shotgun gauge.

???: Precisely why I'm out, it's in high demand, can't do anything about that.  

Nako storms out of the building with her squad in tow, leaving no time for any words, Ayako apologizes to the owner and that's when she realizes what's happening. They were being stalled, she had heard the owner make a call while they were present, to who she doesn't know, but she does know that whoever was on the other end wouldn't be coming in peace to get them. 

Ayako runs out, telling her squad while on the way, they needed to make some serious distance as soon as possible to avoid who was coming, if it was Sangvis they should be fine, as they lack air transportation, if it's G&K though, they would have to hide, no way they could outpace G&K's helicopters. 

That fear would soon be realized as they heard the whirring of helicopter blades, they weren't far out and in the open wasteland that makes up yellow zones, they couldn't hide to avoid it. So they decided to try to shoot it down to get it off their tail, or at least deter it long enough to get somewhere they could feasibly hide, the forests of green zones proved to be the best choice, diverting their path to get there without running towards G&K. 

It isn't long though before they see the G&K helo unloading nearby, a group of dolls, they would rather it doesn't end with any casualties on either side, the X-Lab dolls would rather be neutral than take any sides, if they engage G&K here then they'll be seen as allies to Sangvis and shot on sight, if they don't shoot though, Sangvis will see them as working with G&K and the same will happen, a lose-lose scenario. 

Ayako: Well guess we have three choices here, one, we light them up and hope they don't try us again, we're low on ammo so gotta make it fast. Two, we can try and surrender to end this peacefully, but then we're going with them, kills any chance we have for escape and puts us on a side guaranteed. Lastly, we can side with Sangvis after killing them here, your choice girls. Haz?

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