Chapter 19 - Preparations

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Once Ayako has finished getting dressed in her old clothes she mostly looks like she did originally, albeit with different colored hair and eyes, and the trench coat in place of her usual jacket. What she needed to do now though was to get herself materials for her shield and to try to persuade Persica into letting her and her team assist AR team though....what about Springfield? Ayako hadn't yet pondered what she would do about Nako's bond with Springfield, it might become problematic if the two were separated. 

That she must debate with herself before she brings it to Nako, but she has an epiphany: what if she didn't needed to keep Nako here for Springfield? Ayako did have great experience in upgrading dolls that weren't intended to be combat spec to extremely efficient dolls, but for that she needed tech and tools, something she didn't have on hand. 

So she needed to call Persica, she had more than enough of an idea on what she needed to do to get Springfield into a condition where she could at least hold her own in combat. So Ayako grabs herself a radio and tunes herself to the frequency she had told Persica to be monitoring many missions prior, hoping she still was. 

Ayako: Ayako to Persica, come in. 

There is silence for a while, even if Persica was still tuned in she wouldn't be ready for any messages, especially from Ayako. But eventually a response does come. 

Persica: Ayako, what's up?

Ayako: I need a favor, two actually.

Persica: These are?

Ayako: I need to put a logistics order in for supplies for my shield, and I need high-spec doll parts. 

Persica: And just what do you need doll parts for?

Ayako: Upgrading a certain doll Nako has bonded to, we want to bring her along with us. 

Persica: My office there should still have a bunch of stuff I had spare while making RO, take what you need, if you need more just call me. 

Ayako: Thank you Persica, and my order for shield supplies and send over to you in a moment, not too much of a rush though. 

Persica: Very well, now I need a favor of you.

Ayako: That is?

Persica: I need backup for AR team, M16 is missing in action and I need more than two active dolls to get her back. 

Ayako: Consider it done then, helicopter here tomorrow?

Persica: Indeed, 0800, I can rush parts for Springfield if you need more by then. 

Ayako: Affirm, Ayako out. 

Ayako then turns the radio off and immediately goes to back to the cafe, she needs to speak with Springfield first and foremost. When she arrives, Springfield is of course managing the cafe and currently wiping down some glasses. 

Ayako: Springfield, a word?

Springfield: I can tell this is more official, what is it?

Ayako: Not technically yet but.....what's more important to you, Nako being happy or this cafe?

Springfield: You even bother asking?

Ayako: We....I want to upgrade you.

Springfield: And what would that entail?

Ayako: Simple, I get you high-spec parts, you become on par with AR team, and run with us for Nako's sake. 

Springfield: I assume you have a plan then?

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