Chapter 33 - Rending Fates

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Since AK-12 was taking so long to ask Ayako what should be a simple question, Nako decided to go make sure everything was fine. She wasn't necessarily worried about the enemy, more so the fact there was already a lot of tension between those two, and it was very possible they were arguing or fighting.

When Nako actually saw the scene though, at first she was rather impressed, AK-12 and Ayako took down Executioner by themselves, maybe SOP contributed. But still, Ayako and Haz got their asses kicked by her last time, Nako had to step in to finish the fight. Her next feeling was one of slight worry, just about when she saw the state Ayako was in, her arms and face were cut up like someone had taken a knife to her.

And so Nako came to see what had actually happened, stepping into sight of the group and surprisingly, it wasn't Ayako who greeted her, it was AK-12. 

AK-12: Nako, front secure?

Nako: Yeah, the hell happened?

Ayako: Executioner got through somewhere, challenged me to fisticuffs, rocked me when I tried to play dirty with her sword, AK-12 played dirtier with a bullet. 

Nako: You're looking about... three feet left of where I am.

Ayako: At that distance about all I can see is a bit of difference between light sources and what isn't, need to probably get vision replaced.

Nako: Well M4 is back up on her feet, we'll just keep you and SOP behind the group and-

Ayako: No, you're going with AK-12 to complete the mission.

Nako: And you're...?

Ayako: Carrying myself and SOP out of this on foot.

Nako: Do I really have to follow her?

Ayako: Treat her words as if they were my own, and I'm putting you in charge of ensuring nobody dies that we care about.

Nako: Fine, then let's get going 'boss'.

AK-12: Not enjoying the passive aggressive tone.

Nako: She said treat your words like her own, I'd do similar to her.

AK-12 and Nako head back to the rest of the group, AK-12 gets a message from Angelia during the walk though, simply telling her to hold her position and that the rest of DEFY was moving in for support, not that any way currently needed.

Ayako though mostly blindly found her way back to SOP's side and sat down, mostly incapable of seeing even SOP's shape, just having memorized where SOP was before. SOP made the effort of moving and hugged Ayako, Ayako of course getting rather surprised since - once again - she still can't see. 

SOP: Don't do that again.

Ayako: You got it, I didn't particularly enjoy that.

SOP: Can you fix your vision?

Ayako: No, module is damaged and I'm not good at rooting around in my own head to fix it.

SOP: Are we really walking out of here?

Ayako: General retreat order from the operation, KCCO turned and isn't our friend, nor is SF, we're severely outgunned. RO got killed, M4 is going with DEFY even if I didn't want it, so the rest of everyone is going with them to complete the mission.

SOP: Then shall we get going? I can walk fine by now.

Ayako: Yeah, help me up if you can.

SOP gets to her feet and lifts Ayako up, who finds her footing and pulls an arm around SOP, leaning on her to ensure she doesn't end up walking into a tree on the way out. But Ayako gains something of an idea, one that may actually allow her to see, albeit not very well all things considered.

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