Chapter 18 - Reunion

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Ayako wandered through the halls of the Griffin base for a while, just trying to clear her mind from everything that had happened recently and thinking over how she was going to actually start solving some of the problems she had created. 

But she knew that she didn't have much longer to mull around and wait for the world to take it's course, she had to go get her team back in order and make herself look presentable. 

She went to one of the public bathrooms on base for a mirror so she could fix her hair, she couldn't just not worry about it like she could previously since it had become longer. She couldn't shake a soft and slight smile from her face though, no matter how hard she tried, SOP was responsible for that. 

After that she went to see if she could find Persica again, she had no idea where she'd be at this time, probably in her office but she could also just be asleep, Ayako wouldn't blame her for that after last night. She headed back to the repair bay she had left the previous night and luckily for her Persica is there working on something on her computer. 

Ayako: Miss Persica?

Persica: Yes Ayako? Need something?

Ayako: I'd like a jacket if you could procure one for me, these clothes aren't for me. 

Persica: Of course, head down to the supply room and grab anything you like, don't think anyone will complain. 

Ayako: Thank you, where will I be meeting this helicopter I assume?

Persica: Main pad one, they should be here in about ten minutes. 

Ayako: Very well, I'll be on my way then. 

Ayako then sees herself out of the repair bay and goes to find wherever this supply room is. Turns out it's practically on the opposite side of base after about five minutes of wandering around aimlessly, someone really should put some signs up for guidance. 

When she arrives and enters there's surprisingly a human staffing it, standing at the entrance and speaking to her. 

Supply Room Staff(SRS): Good morning miss, what do you need?

Ayako: Persica said I can get myself a coat.

SRS: Of course, what's your style? We don't have much but I'm sure something will work. 

Ayako: Something longer that goes below my waist, trench coat but with an open front ideally. 

SRS: I'll see what we have. 

He then goes into the back to see if anything in the supply room even remotely fits the description, there are a couple trench coats but that's not what Ayako is looking for. Though turns out one of them has buttons on the interior to allow the lower part to be folded back and held in place, effectively matching the description close enough. 

So he grabs it and pulls it out before returning to Ayako and offering it to her. Ayako of course promptly takes it and tries it on. It fits well enough, bit big on her arms but those can be rolled back without issue, and lucky for her it's all black. She'd handle making something like her previous jacket when she had free time after her shield. 

Ayako: Thank you sir.

SRS: No problem miss.

Ayako then sees herself out and goes to the armory, if she was going into combat without a shield for now she'd have to be sporting some more notable firepower, a glock despite being good wasn't going to cut it by itself. 

She of course wanted a shield but the only one available was a riot shield, one that wouldn't even come close to stopping Sangvis munitions, so she disregarded it and went to the rifles, most of them had already been claimed by some of the dolls here, so of course she couldn't take those. But she eventually found something she liked, an OTs-14-1A Groza. Packed a fair bit more punch and range than her glock while not being too large, and maybe operable one-handed for a doll like her, she'd have to find data for it to add to her system's fire control core to actually operate with it though. 

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