Chapter 6 - Recovery

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After Persica had finished repairing Kimiko and Ayako, she was headed over to Nako and Haz, both to make sure neither of them had any injuries that she needed to repair, and to hear exactly what happened to have the operation go so haywire so quickly.

When she gets to the X-Lab dorm, she knocks softly, being polite. Nako answers the door, opening it and seeing Persica, promptly letting her in without an exchange of words between them.

Nako: How're Ayako and Kimiko doing?

Persica: They're fine, both are resting in the repair bay right now, not sure how long until they wake.

Nako: Thank you.

Persica: No need to thank me, but I do need something from you two.

Nako: Info is with Kimiko, on her wrist computer's hard drive. 

Persica: Not quite what I was going to ask for, but good to know. I want to know what happened to get you four pinned in a basement.

Nako: You want the long or short version?

Persica: As much detail as possible if you would.

Nako: First part of the op went just as planned, info recovered quickly and silently, once we finished with that though, bunch of SF starting closing on our position, computer might have been being monitored. We wiped the data as requested, and headed North towards a church in a field, not a bad place to defend we thought. We ran as fast as we could and hunkered down there, we knew damn well that we'd have a ringleader on us rather soon. Kimiko imitated a single G&K doll's signal, drew the ringleader in for the kill, was Agent. Ambushed her and took her out quick. We weren't expecting a second of Agent's links but she got the jump on us, Kimiko took a hit before we could take her down.

Haz: Afterward, we radioed in to you, telling what happened and to get us out ideally quick, since more Sangvis were closing quick. We fortified ourselves in the church and conserved ammo as best we could, practically let them surround the place before any of us bothered engaging anything but a Jaeger. We knew we were going to run out of ammo, so we retreated to the basement and held there, slowly we all ran dry, Nako got her knife dirty even, but a grenade came down, damaged all of us, then two Aegis units, not much we could do against their armor without bullets left, one hit to Ayako's shield took her out, rest of us backed up, then AR team saved our asses.

Persica had been listening intently, noting down what she could identify as possible weaknesses and strengths of these dolls.

Persica: And how many SF fodder units would you say you all killed?

Nako: Couple hundred, grenades did some good work as well, could have kept going if we had more bullets. 

Persica: Impressive you lasted until my girls got there.

Haz: We fight for our lives, we can't come back, corner anything with no way out and you're in for the fight of your life, but there's only so much four dolls can do without fire support. 

Persica: And if you had that fire support, what could you do?

Nako: Stroll our way leisurely into SF's main base and kill whoever's at the top.

Persica lets out a soft laugh at that, knowing full well that Nako is at least mildly joking, hopefully. 

Haz: Realistically, we're an extremely powerful force especially in close quarters, bet you Nako could beat even Executioner in hand-to-hand. So if you're raiding a SF base and you need the interior cleared, except no substitute. 

Persica: So you're limited at long range yes?

Haz: I handle range, wouldn't say limited but it isn't what we are equipped for, and right now my weaponry is only half complete.

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