Chapter 21 - Enjoyment

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After parting from SOP, Ayako heads to Persica's office to check on Springfield, and of course to tease Persica slightly in revenge for her doing the same earlier in the day. Arriving there, the door is locked as she assumed, but that wouldn't stop her most assuredly, only a couple of moments and the electronic lock is hacked and bypassed with a soft click of the lock sliding out of place. Ayako then of course lets herself in.

Persica: Could've just knocked you know, ain't gotta show off that tech all the time. 

Persica is standing at a bedside, Springfield of course on it, currently unconscious and partially opened up from Persica's work.

Ayako: True, unless you're worried about messing up with that sensitive tech of course.

Persica: I see what you've come for, anything other than to get payback for this morning?

Ayako: If you could, a statistics rundown of what she's going to be like after the upgrade.

Persica: Lack the current stuff for a full digimind rework, that's a future upgrade, but otherwise practically everything is getting either replaced or added, still perplexes me how you got this fire control chip working with the amount of sensors missing. 

Ayako: Clearly I'm just the superior mechanic.

Persica: Yeah yeah, say what you want.

Persica takes a quick glances over at Ayako, immediately noticing the large hole in her jacket, and unable to see under it expects the worst.

Persica: What happened to you!?

Ayako: Showed Dreamer why she doesn't come to the negotiating table with me, that's all.

Persica: You're not wounded?

Ayako: Hole originated from inside the jacket, my shotgun proved efficient both against my jacket, and Dreamer's skull. 

Persica: Good then, surprised I didn't hear about it from this one before I put her under.

Ayako: As am I, seems like the type of thing that would get around pretty quickly. 

Persica: Anything else you need? 

Ayako: Speak about a project later, after you finish with Springfield.

Persica: Very well. 

Ayako then sees herself out, ensuring she locks the door behind her by once again hacking it, closing it this time instead though. Then she makes her way to the armory to retrieve her titanium for her shield, she would have to drag it to the workshop to start machining it down and shaping it into what she needed, with a new idea on what type of shield she wanted. 

Arriving there, there was a crate in the corner with a note attached to it, simply reading: 'Ayako'. Of course she retrieved it, checked inside, and of course there was a massive chunk of titanium inside, along with something else, a jacket almost perfectly matching her old one, looks like Persica did her a favor both purposefully and accidentally, chances are she hadn't anticipated Ayako blowing a hole through her current jacket with a shotgun but hey, it works.

Retriving the jacket and sliding off her damaged trench coat she then puts it on, it fits perfectly, a bit thinner material this time around but it'll work just fine, not like it's anything but fabric, won't stop any bullets, that's her shield's job after all. 

Trashing the trench coat and closing the crate once again, Ayako drags it all the way to the base's workshop, ensuring she doesn't block the hallway too severely while doing so, just in case Sangvis is mad that Dreamer got put down by G&K and decide to shell the base with other artillery. 

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