Chapter 7 - Upgrades

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A long couple days passed for the X-Lab dolls, most of which was spent repairing themselves and their gear, for Kimiko especially as she had a lot of electronics that were damaged due to the grenade in the last combat encounter. Ayako spent a lot of time working on her shield, salvaging what she could to get enough parts to remake it, thankfully G&K's tech in the repair bay made that easier. Nako did her usual sharpening her knife, and set a new first place record at the shooting range, as she had been told to do. Haz though spent most of her time practicing long-range shooting, since she wasn't going to be able to get her hands on chemical weapons anytime soon. 

Currently Kimiko and Nako are in their dorm, the former at the desk tinkering with a small circuit board with the latter laying down on her bed. They however are interrupted by a knock on the door, since neither Ayako or Haz bothered knocking when they entered, it had to be someone else.

Kimiko gets up to go and check, and none other than Persica is there. Kimiko quickly opens the door for her, offering a quick greeting, assuming she's here on business.

Kimiko: Hello Miss Persica, what can I help you with?

Persica: Well I've got good news that I'll need to discuss in private.

Kimiko: Then come in, Nako can hear.

Persica comes inside and closes the door after Kimiko steps away from the door, heading back to the desk that had effectively become hers at this point. 

Persica: So, your upgrade is ready, and S09's commander has captured Scarecrow, so let me ask, do you think you're ready for it?

Kimiko: It's what I've been waiting for, just need to get OGAS from Scarecrow.

Persica: She's en route here as we speak, I'll assume you have a method as to how you're going to get that.

Kimiko: Technology makes life easy there.

Persica: Then in an hour meet me down in the detainment area, we'll handle that there.

Kimiko: You got it. 

Persica sees herself out of the room, closing the door behind her obviously, leaving Nako and Kimiko in the room alone again. 

Nako: Care to explain what that's all about?

Kimiko: We're all getting upgrades, I'm first on the docket due to what she was talking about, I'm getting OGAS integrated into me so I can control SF fodder. 

Nako: That doesn't sound like it'll work, and dangerous at that.

Kimiko: It'll work, as for the danger, it's acceptable. 

Nako: Not going to question how it works, that's your job.

Kimiko: Exactly, though expect an upgrade soon enough, Persica is doing one for each of us, back to being experimental.

Nako: Fine by me, and good luck, sounds like you'll need it.

Kimiko: Maybe...

Kimiko just goes silent and goes back to working on her tech, the circuit board she was working on was to be a part of an upgrade to her electric discharge system, but that could wait. 

Kimiko goes onto her wrist computer and starts going through files, anything that could be accessed could and likely would be mulled through by OGAS, so she spend a fair bit of time deleting or transferring important data to an external hard drive, just to be safe, since she wouldn't have immediate control of it. 

In that time, Haz had come back from her daily practice at the range with her rifle, which she has notably improved with, though, there's only so much a doll can do when she knows the ins and outs of the firearm in her hands. She was mostly silent, since she knew Kimiko enjoyed her silence, especially while working on tech. 

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