Chapter 12 - ...One Must Make a Sacrifice

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The X-Lab dolls are left in silence when 404 leaves, the mostly quiet sound of the engine of their van starting and driving off back from wherever they came from is the only noise that fills the compound. 

Nako decides it's finally time to bite the bullet and get in contact with Persica, Kimiko isn't in any shape to do so. She grabs Kimiko's radio and leans back against the wall before speaking. 

Nako: X-Lab to Persica, come in.

Persica: I've been trying to reach you for an hour now, what happened?

Nako: Jammer went up, your mercs did their job well enough, Kimiko's out of the fight, took a shot saving one of your mercs, she'll be fine with some repairs, took out Executioner as well, need a ride out of here. 

Persica: What happened to the heli crew?

Nako: One got brave and paid for it, the one that was injured is still alive. 

Persica: Unfortunate, another helicopter is inbound, thought I lost you all. 

Nako: We're not going down that easily. 

Persica: Persica out, good luck girls. 

Nako puts the radio back on Kimiko's gear and sighs.

Ayako: We need to move, that artillery is bound to start firing again, and the helicopter needs to be farther away. 

Ayako stands up and grabs her shield, holstering her Glock and letting her team get ready. Nako just picks Kimiko up gently in a fireman's carry and picks her rifle up in her hands, ready to move. Haz gets the helicopter door gunner in the same way, she's struggling a fair bit more, not only being taller than her but wearing far less wieldy equipment, but she manages. 

So they set out, low on ammo but alive, with the exception of the two pilots, unfortunate for them, they were just flying any ground troops' saving grace and paid the price. 

They try to get back to the same clearing that the heli crew had originally dropped them off at, it's a good hike for Nako and Haz who're carrying their entire weight and then some with the people they're carrying. Ayako was spearheading slightly, looking ahead and watching for any lingering SF troops to ensure the others wouldn't get engaged out in the open. 

They eventually reach the clearing though, clear of any hostiles, chances are most SF presence was wiped out in the area from their assault on the dolls. Nako once again takes the chance to inform Persica of their position.

Nako: Persica, this is X-Lab.

Persica: What do you need?

Nako: Inform your pilots that we're in a clearing about a kilometer from the compound, awaiting pickup.

Persica: Understood.

The radio then goes silent once again with everyone taking a second to sit down and take the weight off their backs, Ayako though stands with her shield, facing the direction they had come from.

Nako: So, you want to talk about it Ayako?

Ayako: No, not the time, maybe back at-

Ayako's voice is cut off by a massive impact to her shield from a laser, sending her backward onto her back from the force. The shot clearly was either poorly aimed or intended not to kill her, her upper body was exposed as her shield was resting at her feet. Knowing SF, chances are it's the latter one. 

Ayako: Fuck! Nako, Haz, get running, I'll hold whatever the hell this is, go now before it gets any closer. 

Nako: You better catch up!

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