Chapter 22 - Abduction

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So Ayako went to Persica's office immediately, her first order of business was checking up on Nako and Springfield; though she did have something else she needed to speak with Persica for. When she arrived she decided not to hack Persica's door lock for a change and instead just knocked in three soft taps. 

There was some movement inside she could hear and the door lock clicked, then the door was opened by Persica. At the moment, she looked to be barely conscious, like she hadn't slept in two days and gave up on caffeine already, though she certainly did have a cup of coffee in her hand. 

Ayako: Apologies if I interrupted your sleep.

Persica: No worries, wasn't asleep anyway, what's up?

Ayako: I just came by to figure out where Nako and Springfield are.

Persica: Probably in their room, not sure if they've left by now though.

Ayako: Good to know, are you in the mood to discuss upgrades right now or should I come back in a couple hours?

Persica: Now's fine, ideas or asking about Springfield?

Ayako: I can figure out Springfield pretty quick, I want to upgrade Haz.

Persica: Swap her role then?

Ayako: You catch on quick, with Springfield her range isn't as necessary anymore.

Persica: What're you looking to do?

Ayako: Swap out her fire control system to being closer range, and I'm going to give her a new ability we had planned for an X-Lab doll that was never finished. 

Persica: Well tell me what you need and I'll get it.

Ayako: No further questions?

Persica: Why? Expect me not to trust you, especially with your team?

Ayako: Fair that. I need the best AR fire control chip you can get your hands on and and EW conversion parts.

Persica: Doesn't Kimiko handle all that?

Ayako: Haz won't be using it in that capacity, it's just to interface with Sangvis dolls.

Persica: Does this mean you're giving her OGAS as well?

Ayako: No, since I have it now I'm trying to avoid that, it is far from enjoyable, nor would I trust Haz to ever be able to control her trigger finger when OGAS gets aggressive.

Persica: Alright, I'll get you what you need then, but I'm in need of getting the rest of AR team back in action. 

Ayako: Just tell me who and where.

Persica: M16 is MIA, haven't got much on her unfortunately, M4 is getting her neural cloud upgraded and her infection managed, STAR is currently rouge, start with her.

Ayako: Compile what info you have on her then, we'll get off as soon as we have a good lead, but what happened with M4?

Persica: Neural cloud upgrade has been planned for a while, going to do the same for everyone else eventually, but in your stead AR team came into contact with a particularly malignant strain of OGAS, M4 got it but seems to be managing it, unfortunately I'm pretty sure it isn't isolated to just her. SOP and RO both seem to be clean, as for STAR, pretty sure she's been infected as well, if her behavior is anything to look at.

Ayako: So that's more to the count towards the dolls with OGAS under your control.

Persica: Unfortunately yes, but for them it's a bit different than your and Kimiko's cases.

Ayako: Assumed, that's all I need for now, where is Springfield and Nako's room?

Persica: It's in the other wing beside the rest of your team's dorm, near the end, you'll find it. 

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