Chapter 24 - A Twist

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As Kimiko opened her eye she was met with a blinding light, a mild side effect of working in her mind for an extended period of time, her eyes would adjust as if it were a traditional sleep cycle and hence were currently still in the process of adjusting to the light. 

Once she actually could fully see, she was still sat in the back of 404's van and the UMP sisters were both on their respective computers probably looking at her work, both likely looking over the work she had just done.

Kimiko: Well that good enough for you two?

UMP45's head whips to the side after hearing Kimiko's voice, surprised to even hear at awake at this point, this was something she thought would take far longer.

UMP45: You're done already?

Kimiko: Unless you need a new body for her too, yeah.

UMP45: Barely anything changed other than the data being moved around.

Kimiko: Magic what an experimental neural cloud copy can do isn't it?

UMP45: What do you mean copy?

Kimiko: How do you think I got an advanced neural cloud? Copied my own, simple enough if mine handles OGAS.

UMP45: So you've put an experimental neural cloud into a doll that works almost entirely differently, how do you think it'll work?

Kimiko: For most neural clouds, no different than her original, but don't underestimate self-repairing software, it makes OGAS have to actually work for any ground, and for an EW doll it's pretty simple to hold back. 

UMP45: And you're perfectly sure it'll work?

Kimiko: Would you like me to add more features while I'm here? She'll work better than she used to.

UMP45: You're not going back to G&K, you know that yeah?

Kimiko: Of course I do, I'll go once I want to, but for now I'd love to see how 404 gets to business, if you're willing to have an EW specialist better than you. 

UMP45: You can go fuck yourself too.

Kimiko: So how many of my parts will I need to get replaced within the month?

UMP45: More than I'd like.

Kimiko: I'll take a wild guess and assume you cheaped out since Sangvis didn't pay.

UMP45: They fucking double crossed us, it was already personal but they've proved themselves unreliable in all ways. 

Kimiko: Griffin would be more than happy to have a third highly competent squad in play, I'm sure you can convince them, though if your previous habits are relied upon they won't be seeing anything but good, isn't that right?

UMP45: G&K's systems are barely even protected, surprised Sangvis hasn't hacked them yet, I'm just using a known weakness.

Kimiko: So, what operation are we headed to? I'd love to see how you all perform in action.

UMP9: At the moment we're en route to recover some parts from an AR Team doll, also got wind your team is looking for the same doll, if they're there, we're leaving.

Kimiko: What, worried we're that much better?

Kimiko knew how to pull strings on these dolls, 404 had performed far more than X-Lab probably ever will, but nobody knows of most of them, Kimiko would normally lose to any of the four, especially 416, but her hacking put her at a serious advantage.

UMP9: Worried your team remembers us, we didn't wipe those memories.

Kimiko: Which doll you talking, can probably get working on finding her now.

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