Chapter 9 - RTB

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The X-Lab team is waiting for their exfil at the recently captured base, which is no doubt a pretty effective show of force to take a Sangvis firebase with a single squad of dolls. Either way, Kryuger was sure to be happy with the results, which is why they're here in the first place. 

Ayako though, is worried about something different, it's hard to hide the damage that the manticore Kimiko took over did. It's guns were far larger than anything the X-Lab dolls were wielding, so to any keen eye, something was amiss. Something like that is hard to realistically explain away, it would have to be a more direct cover-up from Persica, who as it stands is the only person outside of X-Lab aware of Kimiko's newer abilities. 

It isn't much longer before their evac is there though, likely the same helicopter and crew that dropped them off, since they gave it just enough time to head back to base, refuel and head right back out, such is the life of anyone insane enough to fly combat transport helicopters. 

It levels out above the compound and starts slowly descending while one of the side doors opened, but the downward action is swiftly replaced with an immediate and rapid bank to the side and pulling back up into the air while firing off chaff and flares. 

The X-Lab team knows one of two things just occurred, either one the helicopter pilot just had a seizure, or the more likely of the two, they had gotten some form of heads up on an incoming weapon, radar or infrared didn't really matter too much. 

That action proves to be sufficient as no munition even comes close to the helicopter, or anywhere at all for that matter, maybe it was just a radar lock and they were playing it safe just in case. 

Once again the helicopter returns to above the base, levels out, and starts descending. This time though, whatever is targeting the aircraft got a bit smarter, letting it go lower, nearly touching down before once again it raises up rapidly, burning chaff and flares firing off into the ground as another, slower, evasive maneuver is performed. 

That though isn't enough, with the helicopter's low altitude it really only had one of two choices, crash itself into the ground or some building with a more intense evasion, or continue slowly and hope chaff and flares were sufficient for whatever was firing at them.

That hope is misplaced, some large shell sailing through the air and cleanly into the helicopter, exploding on impact, sending the door gunner in the rear clean out of the helicopter through the open door, they unfortunately weren't strapped in like gunship gunners tend to be, as in this case they have to be able to help with loading and opening the door quickly, something being secured to the helicopter would make far harder and slower. 

The door gunner is left to fall the roughly 10 meters from the ground, definitely breaking something, if not outright dying on impact with the ground. The rest of the helicopter is left spinning as the pilot likely attempts to regain control of the bird, slowly losing altitude. There isn't much height for the pilot to use though, and eventually control is lost, likely as power goes out due to damage. The helicopter drops from the sky, crashing into one of the guard towers, collapsing it on top of the helo. 

Anyone in there, namely the pilot and co-pilot, weren't going to be in great shape assuming they survived, which from the crash was unlikely. Regardless, the X-Lab team knew what to do in this case, following the ending of the crash when everything stops, the team runs over to the crashed helicopter. They move swiftly and do whatever possible to save the life of the pilots inside. All except for Ayako that is, she made her way over to the door gunner that fell from the helo, assuming that she was just doing body recovery. When she got there, she just checked their pulse, which surprisingly was still there, faint, but there. She picked them up and brought them to the nearest shielded building she could find, checking over their wounds.

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