Chapter 2 - Introductions

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The remainder of the flight back is silent between the two teams, Ayako spends this time pondering where they're going to, since whatever forward base they're close to likely wouldn't be equipped with the tech necessary to handle the X-Lab dolls and their complex systems. If that's the case then they'll likely be sent back to a more central base, but she would like to exchange some words with whoever miss Persica is, from what she's heard she'll prove rather useful. 

Ayako is pulled from her thoughts when the pilot makes an announcement, one minute away from base, wherever that is. She moves her head off of Sop's shoulder and stretches a little bit, unsure of what situation she'll find on the ground, will they be welcomed? Questioned? Ignored? None of the X-Lab dolls even have the slightest clue. 

The helicopter soon touches down and AR team promptly opens up the doors, helping the X-Lab dolls down and out as they don't have use of their hands at the moment. The sight they see once they're out though isn't one they're expecting, on the helipad with them is none other than Berezovich Kryuger, easily recognizable as the head of G&K.

AR team all give him a quick salute, and M4 speaks.

M4: You're here on quick notice Mr. Kryuger, any reason.

Kryuger: I was in the area, and finding dolls that aren't IOP or Sangvis is always going to be something I want to be present for.....I thought you said they came willingly, why are they cuffed?

M4: Just protocol on detaining anyone we find in the field. 

Kryuger: Well cut them loose then, for them to trust us we have to trust them first. 

M4 and Sop cut the X-Lab dolls' cuffs, all of which stretch their hands, making sure it doesn't look like they're reaching for any weapons while doing so. 

Ayako: Mr. Kryuger, it's a pleasure, but I prefer we get straight to business. 

Kryuger: As do I, I take it you're the leader of this team here?

Ayako: Yes sir.

Kryuger: We'll start with history somewhere more private then here, follow me. And AR team, you're free to go. 

The X-Lab dolls follow Kryuger towards whatever place he's off to, all of them somewhat confused that he has no security by his side, nor have their weapons been taken from them, seems his logic of trusting the dolls is working its magic though. They're brought to some relatively indistinct office.

Kryuger: Well you all know me I'll assume, who are all of you, no need to be formal.

Ayako: I'm Ayako, designated 001.

Haz: Haz, 002.

Kimiko: Kimiko, three.

Nako: Nako, 004.

Kryuger: Pleasure to meet all of you, now to business, what are four rouge dolls doing here?

Ayako: To be honest, we'd rather stay on our own, but that ended pretty quick. It's here or Sangvis, and we'll have to pick a side eventually, so we chose to go to the side we'd be willing to fight for, humanity always triumphs eventually, best not to impede it. 

Kryuger: Interesting dolls you area, not imprinted to a single weapon like my dolls, and understanding far more as well. 

Ayako: With all due respect your dolls aren't particularly designed that way.

Kryuger: True true, AR team is a bit different you'll find though, you seem to get along well from what I've been told. 

Ayako: Indeed, they're notably different than the normal dolls we see, Sangvis or Griffin. 

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