Chapter 25 - Behavioral Tweak

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AK-12 slowly walks Kimiko further into Cabin and eventually down into a cellar, but turns out it is a bit more than just a cellar. It's probably the most tech-filled area Kimiko's ever seen, more than what even Persica had in her personal repair room. And sat calmly on the table there is a rather short boy, playing a game on his phone.

Dier: Wasn't it only supposed to be one doll?

AK-12: Mild change of plans, plus it'll be fast.

Dier: Fine, what do you need for her?

AK-12: Simple, check to make sure everything is working as good as it can, replace it if not, other part is this.

AK-12 advances and hands the boy a note, which he looks over skeptically before nodding to himself. 

Dier: Alright, I'll see what I can do then. Come and sit...

Kimiko: It's Kimiko.

Kimiko goes and takes a seat, not laying back, taking the assumption that she's going to have to tell this technician a hell of a lot so he doesn't accidentally release a malignant form of OGAS. As soon as she does, AK-12 goes back up the stairs and vanishes. 

Dier: Kimiko then, a nice name. What can you tell me about you workings?

Kimiko: You won't have seen it before, that I can assure you, I have OGAS integrated into my systems, very sensitive tech since I handle EW and doll work. 

Dier: Doll work? You're a mechanic as well?

Kimiko: Normally just on the digimind side, but physical is no problem. 

Dier: Well I have to ask you to voluntarily shut yourself down, I prefer when things are done of a dolls' own volition. 

Kimiko: What was on the paper 12 gave you?

Dier just tosses the note to Kimiko, seeming to not mind showing her what was on it, perhaps he maybe should have though. It's a rather short but distinct message 'Install bond to 12'. Whatever it meant to Dier, probably not much, Kimiko had distinct reason to be concerned. She didn't think bonds could be forced, but if they could well, this would be problematic. 

Kimiko: And what does this message mean to you?

Dier: Absolutely no clue, with your explanation of unique internals I assumed I'd figure it out. 

Kimiko: Dolls of my origin have a relationship building system called a bond, you can figure out the rest. 

Dier: How do they work?

Kimiko: Kind of random, once a doll finds someone fitting of their bond, it occurs and can't be broken, but I'm pretty sure it can't be done artificially either. 

Dier: Peculiar, never heard of any system like this, but you're bound to know your software better than I ever will, so I'll just do you the favor and not even bother trying. 

Kimiko: You'd do that for me?

Dier: I'd do that for any doll, forcing relationships is what makes my profession look bad, leave it up to the doll and it's sure to turn out better. 

Kimiko: You are oddly respectable for associating yourself with that group.

Dier: More just passion work for them, I run a separate business that handles money.

Kimiko: Enjoy working with high-spec dolls?

Dier: I made G11 out of a maid doll, have a knack for that kind of stuff. 

Kimiko: Well might as well get to work, be careful around OGAS, it doesn't tend to like being touched.

Dier: Your eye, why do you keep it closed?

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