Chapter 4 - Field Test

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With Ayako on her way back to her team's dorm thinking over her short discussion with Persica, preparing herself mentally for an operation, the sooner her team gets info the better they look, and with that they gain more trust, something they need if they wish to remain independent. 

Once she gets back her team is eagerly awaiting the news from her, since this is effectively deciding their future, it's rather understandable. Kimiko is sat on her bed calmly, Haz is spinning her knife as per usual, and Nako is spinning a rifle cartridge in her hand. Once Ayako closes the door it's debrief time.

Ayako: Good news and better news, which would you like first?

Haz: Good news first, work your way up.

Ayako: We're staying together as a team, under FWOS, Persica trusts us, and surprisingly, she's earned my trust.

Nako: Damn, you trusting anyone but us is one hell of an accomplishment. 

Ayako: Better news is we have an op to prove ourselves, covert sensitive info recovery, was going to be AR team's job but Persica's giving it to us instead. 

Kimiko: What type of files are we talking?

Ayako: Dunno, haven't got that far yet, but yes to your EW equipment. 

Haz: When are we wheels up?

Ayako: As soon as we can get a ride out of her, armory run, then I'll go grab info, and Nako?

Nako: Yeah?

Ayako: If you're looking to show off, second place is an insult, fix it. 

Nako: Understood. 

Ayako and her team are all then in route to the armory to pick up their weapons and equipment, especially Kimiko, since she'll be handling keeping SF off their tail and locating the info in the first place, tech makes everything easier after all. 

Ayako really only needs to pick up her shield and her Glock, since her magazines are still loaded from when they first came, and she's promptly back to find Persica and get info on their operation. Kimiko takes by far the longest to get fully geared up, but she's carrying the most equipment, including all of her tech for jamming hostile communications and hacking, on top of her normal equipment. 

Ayako looks first in the same office Persica took her initially, and luckily enough Persica is still there writing something down. 

Ayako: Ready for our operation miss Persica, tell us where and what we're getting.

Persica: That was fast, you can take some time you know?

Ayako: We're aware, but we'd rather get this done fast and efficient, makes us all look far more appealing as a squad. 

Persica: You got it, area SO9 there's some data I'd like collected, it's on an older computer system, so might be hard to interface with, anything with the keyword 'Lyco' is what you're looking for, not expecting much Sangvis in the area. I'll get you a physical map since I don't have access to your neural clouds. 

Ayako: Understood, and I'll be sure to get us linked up following the op, for now we're all tuned to this exact frequency with radios, if you need to communicate.

Ayako slips a small piece of paper to Persica, written on it is a short string of numbers representing the only way Persica can reach them during their operation. 

Persica: Got it, I'll have someone get a helicopter ready for your team, beyond that you're on your own if things do end up going south, no doll will be coming to help you out, AR team if you're lucky, understood?

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