Chapter 28 - Not Quite Planned For

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One day until Task Force DEFY left their current abode to begin what would be a defining operation in the war against Sangvis. That day though was not filled with the chaotic packing and preparations Kimiko was used to, in fact she found more relaxation that day than any other she had had since she was staying with DEFY.

Most of DEFY was managing their equipment or planning out their exact mission with newer information, Kimiko excluded herself from these tasks. Her gear was long since ready and she didn't want to talk with all of DEFY, they scared her when they got aggressive, talks of tactics were bound to get to that point.

Kimiko didn't really care much either, she just needed to do this one mission for DEFY and she'd be back with her team. Surely one mission wouldn't define life or death for her, especially with an elite team like DEFY backing her up, there wasn't much reason to be concerned.

But she did need to be briefed at some point on the specifics, but at least she wouldn't have to worry about AK-15 for that, likely it'd be one-on-one with AK-12, something she could tolerate if she wasn't trying to be intimidating. For now though, Kimiko would b-

AK-12: Kimiko, follow.

Kimiko shot up, she had barely closed her eyes for a couple seconds and AK-12 had snuck up on her without even trying, was she getting less attentive? Kimiko of course quickly responded by standing and following AK-12 wherever she was leading her.

She eventually found herself sitting at the dining room table sat next to AN-94 to her surprise, but RPK-16 and AK-15 were nowhere to be found. She felt a similarly odd feeling as she had the day prior when working on her bond system while sitting here. AK-12 didn't sit though, she was standing and slowly pacing around.

AK-12 Not too much to discuss that concern either of you two, but we're leaving before the sun comes up tomorrow, the update didn't offer much importance to our preparations.

Kimiko admittedly had entirely zoned out after a couple words came out of AK-12's mouth, her mind was on something far different. One of her hands was slowly finding its way towards AN-94, and she was desperately trying to stop herself, it was a significant struggle.

Something about her was different, and Kimiko had no clue what it was.

The amount of words AK-12 said probably numbered in the hundreds, information was certainly important to this operation, but Kimiko didn't hear any of them. And eventually her struggle became for naught and she pulled herself toward AN-94.

She found herself in AN-94's lap resting her head on her shoulder. She stayed that way for a couple seconds before she realized what she was doing. There was no way she could play this off as an accident, it clearly wasn't one, but she also didn't want to get torn apart by AK-12 for touching AN-94 without her permission.

But she didn't have long to think about it, through her occasional glances back to AN-94 and Kimiko, AK-12 saw what was going on. She saw AN-94 wearing an expression of complete and utter confusion at Kimiko's behavior.

Kimiko's head shot up and she eventually started to remove herself from AN-94's lap. But AK-12's words stopped her half way.

AK-12: Christ Dier, fucked sense of humor you have. ...You don't have to move; I know what's going on, just some colorful words to share with Dier. I'll explain for you AN, Kimiko's relationship building system has designated you as her partner-to-be, she was just acting on impulse.

During this lecture Kimiko had put her head back onto AN-94's shoulder and had turned a rather vibrant hue of red. Who could blame her, AK-12 had just revealed what is normally a very much personal and intimate thing like it was common information. More importantly for later though was how she knew all this in the first place, that though was far from Kimiko's train of thought.

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