Chapter 31 - Hazardous Environment

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DEFY was starting to get to real work when the KCCO started, they would be in the background and avoiding dealing with SF, their concern was with KCCO. Right now, DEFY was tailing the main KCCO spear and accessing any tech they could get their hands on, deactivating cyclops units left to hold area instead of shooting them. Concerns were soon raised when DEFY found the current most updated KCCO forward command station. They discovered what they needed to know, it wasn't much, but they figured it out, the plan was never to kill SF, the plan was the capture of Elisa through the elimination of all involved parties. 

But DEFY was deep in Parapluie jamming territory, counter-jammers had not yet been set up this far ahead and they couldn't tell anyone. Angelia was mildly pissed, and by mildly pissed, Kimiko would describe her more accurately as absolutely livid, she knew something was up, but this was beyond that. DEFY had no ability to help, all they could do was wait and hope G&K didn't trust KCCO either, DEFY alone held little power on the stage of this conflict.

STAR: M4 is getting hacked right now.

AK-12: You're in range of Zener's transmissions?

STAR: Just barely.

AK-12: Not much I can do fr-

Kimiko: I can use you as a remote access point and counter it, if you'd let me.

STAR: You may, M4 is important.

Kimiko approached, this was partially part of her plan, she needed to show her value to DEFY, and what better time than when AK-12 - the EW doll - said she couldn't do anything? Kimiko just interfaced with STAR and was met with a system that felt archaic to her, like downgrading software to her, but it was easy enough - but far from ideal.

The problem with this was that Kimiko had to go through Zener to have an effect on M4, and Zener doesn't particularly enjoy getting told what to do. But she would do this undoubtedly, just some time was needed, and DEFY would surely keep her safe while she worked.

Kimiko: It'll take me some time but it'll work, incoming attempts seen strong.

AK-12: How long?

Kimiko: Fifteen at most.

STAR appeared strained, her head was down in her hands and looked to be managing a rather severe headache, Kimiko was responsible. To Kimiko, what she's doing is barely noticeable, but to a doll with far less processing power, an extreme amount of strain was being placed on STAR's systems, when Kimiko remembered this fact, she apologized profusely. 

Kimiko: I'm sorry that this is a lot to manage for you, but from here's it's the best I can do. 

While RO was at M4's side in a trench waiting out X-Lab's defense of the position, she was doing her damndest to prevent M4's neural cloud from damage. At some point though, everything seemed to just slow down from the other end of the hack, the data couldn't get pushed in fast enough. It was likely M4's own systems realizing what's happening and starting to fight back as well, and RO got it under control. And a couple moments after KCCO's barrage concluded, everything just stopped outright, M4 was safe.

X-Lab's position didn't look good, and M4 was out of the fight for now, maybe Ayako could reawaken her forcefully but that would take time, time they wouldn't have. It only did get worse from there though, when it rains it pours. 

Ayako: RO, how's M4?

RO: She was getting her neural cloud attacked remotely, everything has stopped now, but she's stuck in level two. 

Ayako: Alright, contact G&K command, tell them what's going on and for orders.

RO nodded softly and started to pace as she got her secure channel set up, and she could hear only one thing, static. Parapluie was back to jamming their communications, this group was cut off. 

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