FIRST chapter

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In the morning:
Mike POV :
" I can not believe that bitch is finally gone. Right?", Erica said to Mike smiling.
" Guys!!!!", Lucas and dustin shouted while running to them. " What is it? Chill boys", Mike said. "We can't. That would be impossible, trust me!", Lucas said smirking and dustin startet to smile like mike has never seen it before. Mike locked at them in a very confused way but right when He wanted to ask, Lucas turned around and said to erica:" Would you be so nice and go get Max. Tell her we need to Plan a Party" Erca smirked and said :" Just because I am such a good Person I will do it", and then she ran away . " A Party? Why? ", Mike looked at them with a questiontag in his eyes. Now dustin speaks:" So you are the last one to know because He wanted us to Tell you after everybody else knows. Now May I Tell you that we won't only celebate because vecna is gone we will also celebrate because will and Eleven are moveing back to hawkins." Mike looked at them with disbelive in his face .Then He said: you must be kidding, right?" " No , we say the Truth. And because they come home we will celebrate a little Party todays night when They arrive. Are you in?" , Max ask at the Moment she came in. Mike noded and smiled.

While they were planning a huge Party, without kowing a suprise guest would come ,in Calfornia in small house there was some small shit Steaming.

WillPOV :
"ELFIE, where is my hellfire Shirt, you once borrowed it and know it is gone. I want to wear it today." , will asked screaming. He was Locking at himself in the mirror. Around his waist Was a baggy jeans and his upper body wasn't Covered with anything. He smiled and thought what He was going to Do today when elle rushed in his romm with the shirt in her hands. "Here it is.", she said. Then she ran out of the room to eat breakfast. Will stod still in his room then He pulled on the Shirt but He still wasn't going to eat, He Just stood there and thaught about today. He thaught: Man, I will finally Meeting Lucas, Steve, eddie , dustin and especialls Mike again! I bet He already knows I come today , but still... Wills thoughts were stopped by elle screaming that He should come right now or she will eat all of the Eggos. Will ran down the Stars, sat down at the table and startet to eat. " I knew you would come. Are you exited to see everybody again?" " Yes, but I bet not as much as you are to See your boyfriend again." , will said while thinking in his head what of a big lie this is. He bets that He missed Mike more than elle more than anybody else could. Elle starts to speak:" I am." " Are you busy talking or am I allowed to Interrupt you?", jonathan said while coming in to the room. The younger ones smiled. They saw in jonathans eyes how happy He was to See Nancy again. "Ooo, sombody wants attecion. Does the old guy wants us to listen to his lovely words about his girlfriend? Are you so in love", will asked while smiling at his brother . " Yeah, i am and stop being so moody Just because your the only Single person in this room." After that will looked at his eggos and said:" Yeah I am, what is so bad with that, better than being in a relationsship with somebody who can't say I love you " , but bloddy hell how much would this guy Do to have the boy who is not able to say I love you. Elle and jonathan looked at him and then at eachother. They decided not to say anything and eat in silent, because even a blind demogorgon would notice that will is in love with somebody and sad about it for some reason. They Just don't know who it is.

In the afteenoon:
Mike POV:
Everything was prepeared He could finally See his girlfriend again everyday not only writing boring Letters and most importantly He had the Chance to clear things up with will. While Mike was not listening to anything the door got opened and a very loud noise was there. Then the Person who Just came in shouted:" Yall missed me right? You know I could feel that so now I am here. Even throuh you saw me yesterday." Eddie walken into the house and behinde him Steve came in. Dustin, Max and Lucas where still in the Kirtchen preparing some stuff for later, so eddie only high fived Mike. They wanted to Start talking but then a angry Nancy came downstairs:"What did I Tell you about ... Steve." She got straight to him and hugged him. Eddie looked at that with a tiny sign of disguse but then He turns to Mike and they start talking about what is going on and at some point eddie asked where dustin is. As soon as Mike told him that dustin is in the kitchen He walked away.

WillPOV :
They got into the car and then they startet the drive to hawkins. Will was as exited as everybody else. Finally He would life agaim there where He grew up and learned to love. He hopes everything is alright again with him and Mike. While He was sitting there and thinking He did not notice it was dark outside and they arrived at the house of the wheelers.He jumpet out of the car and elfie and him ran to the door. As soon as they got inside evrything Was dark but then suddenly the Lights got on and everybody screamed suprise. Will looked around and saw many familiar faces like dustin , Lucas, max and Mike. Yeah right there was Mike and He ran to them. First he gave elle a head kiss then he walked straght to Will and looked in his eyes....

AUTHOR : First chapter DONE
1084 Words
I know it is not the best and I will maybe Chance everything but still I am finish and Yeah if you reed this you probably read the chapter too So Tell how was it and what should I put into the next chapters????
( Sorry for the english writing and grammar . I know it is bad I am better in speaking the language.

BYLER  CRAZY TOGETHERWhere stories live. Discover now