Chapter 16

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Smut Warning
So I like to say let's fetz
So let's fetz

"Eddie." "What do you want?" "Who is this?" "None of your business." The boy started talking: "I'm David, and who are you?" "I am not talking to you."David looked at Eddie confused. "What the fuck is going on here? Are you one of those psycho couples or what? Or is that your ex?" "No, it's no one, just some idiot off the street," Eddie said. "From the street?" Steve looked at Eddie like he was about to hit him. "You know what, you're all crazy, you Americans. I'm leaving now." Eddie tried to stop him and put his hand on David's arm, but David knocked it away. He stomped awake and Eddie turned his head to Steve, annoyed. "Thanks for that, you just costed me a blow job." "That is everything you have to say about it. You were about to do it with some random guy." "And? I do that all the time!" "Are you fucking for real? I thought since we..." "Since we what? We did it a few times and because of that you think I say no to every hot person on the planet? We agreed that this was nothing serious between us. Besides, you don't have the right to get upset with me after you did the same thing first." "What do you mean?" "You and Nancy." "You think there was something there? We broke up and she's with Jonathan." "But you kissed her." "That was a kiss on the cheek. ""But..." "There are no buts. There is nothing between me and Nancy. I just talked to her a bit, like friends do." "About what?" Steve looked Eddie in the eyes. "Do you really want to know?" "Yes" "About you." Steve smiled at Eddie. "Really?" Steve nodded. "Would you like to come with me?" he then asked. Eddie nodded. "Naturally."

The two of them slowly walked down the street to Steve's house. "So, what exactly did you and Nancy say about me?" Eddie asked. "First Nancy came into my room, saw the bed and then started asking question after question. I then answered them all." "Did you say it was me?" "No. I didn't want to say anything since neither of us have even said what we are yet." "That's ok, I guess." The two of them stood in front of Steve's front door. "What you saw shouldn't come across as wrong, okay?" "I get it. You're just friends." "Why were you so angry anyway?" "I wasn't mad, I was just..." "Jealous?" "What no?" Steve laughed a little when he noticed how horrified Eddie looked. "It's ok. I would be too." "Would you?" Eddie looked at Steve with a raised eyebrow. "Especially when it comes to someone who looks like you." said Steve."How do I look?" Steve slowly looked Eddie up and down and said, "Dark hair, dark eyes, slim waist, long legs and overall sexy." Eddie smiled. "Well a compliment is a compliment, isn't it? And then again from Steve Harrington, the rich, straight friend stealer from Hawkins."
Smut warning
"I never stole your friend from you, you stole him from me. I didn't do shit." "Mmmh, sure. Are you sure about that, as I remember it.." Eddie couldn't finish because Steve grabbed him by the collar and kissed him. "Will you shut up, Munson?" "Make me do it, Harrington." Steve and Eddie kissed again. It was gentle and slow. It was as if time stood still. Slowly their heads parted again. The two smiled at each other. "Do you want to come in?" "Thought you'd never ask me that." Eddie smiled at Steve as he opened the door. Then Steve grabbed Eddie's wrist and pulled him into the house.Then he turns him towards him and presses their foreheads together. The two kissed again, Steve slowly licked Eddie's bottom lip and opened his mouth with it. Their tongues fought for the upper hand until Eddie gave in. They slowly walked into Steve's room. Eddie ripped open Steve's shirt and threw it on the floor. Steve's hands slowly moved down Eddie's body as they walked into Steve's room. He pulled Eddie's shirt over his head and threw it after his shirt. He slowly walked backwards into his room and then Steve reached under Eddie's ass and lifted him up. Eddie wrapped his legs around Steve's hips and then the two stopped for a moment. Their lips parted and the two looked deep into each other's eyes. Steve's grip became stronger and tighter, causing Eddie to groan slightly. That was enough to make Steve go crazy. The two kissed again and walked towards the bed. Steve put Eddie down and knelt over him. Eddie pulled Steve down by his chin. "We're going to do it a little differently this time." Eddie winked after he said this, giving him a confused look on his face. Then Eddie kissed him again and turned Steve onto his back. Eddie knelt over him and leaned his head into Steve's neck.He sucked hard and licked the small sore spot that was now on Steve's neck. His hands moved down to Steve's pants and undid the belt, while he slowly kissed his way down Steve's neck. Every touch, no matter how small, made Steve moan uncontrollably. Eddie licked one of Steve's nipples and moved his hand into Steve's pants. He then leaned up and pulled Steve's pants and underwear off with his hands. He looked down and saw Steve's huge, hard member, which was already coming out of pre-cum. As Steve moved to raise his hands to remove Eddie's pants, Eddie grabbed Steve's wrists with one hand and pinned them above his head. "You won't do anything tonight except moan your heart out." With his other hand he slowly pulled down his pants and threw them on the floor. Both were naked, had a boner and just wanted to have the other person straight. Eddie took Steve's chin in his hand and pulled him up so that their heads were close together again. Eddie slowly placed his lips on Steve's and when he returned the kiss, it became faster and more stormy. Their erections continued to grow and little moans escaped them. Then Eddie pushed Steve so that he was on his back again and Eddie was kneeling over his hips. They looked into each other's eyes and both knew exactly what they wanted and what Eddie wanted to do. Steve nodded, then Eddie lowered his previously raised body. His tight insides wrapped around Steve, causing Eddie to scream. Steve looked at Eddie worriedly but then Eddie slowly started moving up and down. The two boys moaned immensely until they came.


Will's eyes slowly closed and just as he was about to fall asleep, the phone rang. He heard his mother pick up and say "Mike". "What do you want so late? El is sleeping..." She became silent for a moment and said nothing. Will thought to himself that Mike was probably saying how he really needed to talk to El to apologize, but then his mother called across the house, "Will, come to the phone. Someone wants to talk to you." Will looked around his room in confusion. Eann threw the blanket off his body and went to the phone. He picked up his mother's phone and started talking: "What's wrong? Did something happen to El that I should know about?" "No, I'm fine. I just wanted to call to see how you were doing. Charlotte told me that she saw you go away." "I'm fine, why not?" "To be honest, I don't know. I was just a little worried." "Mike, I'm fine." "Good." "If you have nothing else to say, I'll go back to bed." "Should we meet tomorrow?" "If you want. Anyway I am going to bed now. Good night." "Goodnight, Will."

Mike turned around and went to his room. Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll talk to Will, he thought to himself. Mike lay down in his bed and pulled the covers over him. Then suddenly there was a knock on his door. "Who 's there?" "Charlotte." "Come in." Mike sat up and made room for Charlotte. She sat down at the foot and started talking: "I heard you talking to Will." "And?" "Didn't you even think about meeting El." "And?" "That's your girlfriend? Be clear about what you want." Her or him?" "He's my best friend. I guess I have the right to meet him." "Don't you want to take care of your girlfriend first?" "You know what, that's none of your business. Go." "Ok." Charlotte stood up and went to the door, before she could leave she turned to him again." Break up with her. This is the best for you. Goodnight." She turns back and closes the door behind her. Mike lay back in bed, covered himself but he couldn't close his eyes. The whole time he was thinking about Charlotte. Should he really break up?

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