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"So this is your school. Interesting. Things look completely different at home," said Charlotte. "In what way?" They talked as the boys showed Charlotte around the school. They showed her the cafeteria and the gym, and finally her classroom. "So you're going to sit there right between me and Lucas," Dustin said, pointing to a spot in the back row. "Come on, we have to hurry up before our director comes back," Lucas said and gave Dustin a little push towards the exit. They started running and Charlotte followed behind them. Only Mike and Will remained standing. "Shall we?" Mike waved his hand toward the door. Will nodded. Mike took his hand and she ran out of the school. Mike only let him go when they had to give the key to the director. "Thanks for showing me around," Charlotte said as they slowly drove back. "Of course," Mike said. "Do you all want to sleep with us next night? My mother said we have to dedicate the house," said Will as the five of them drove slowly down the street. "Sure. We're just going home quickly to get our things," Mike replied. They dropped off Mike and Charlotte and then the three of them drove on.


Charlotte and Mike parked their bikes in the garage and went into the house through the back door. "I'll quickly go upstairs and pack my things, are you coming with me?" "I still have to make a quick phone call." Mike nodded and then went up the stairs. Even in his room he could still hear Charlotte talking sweetly to her boyfriend on the phone. Mike shook his head in amusement and went to his closet. He tore a T-shirt from the hanger and a pair of pants from a drawer, as well as socks and underwear. It's been such a long time since everyone spent the night together, Mike thought. At the same time, his mood got worse and worse because he remembered that he still wanted to talk to El. He knew that Charlotte had been with her boyfriend longer than he and El had. However, the difference between the two pairs is that one is still head over heals and the other is not. Mike wanted to talk about it. He wanted to know what was going on. He picked up his bag and saw Charlotte happily scurrying past him. Mike sat down on the sofa in the living room and after a few minutes Charlotte stood in front of him. Her bag was full and her face was decorated with a cheeky smile. "Are you that happy?" Charlotte nodded. Then she grabbed his wrist and pulled him back into the garage. They hung their bags on the steering which made it more difficult for Charlotte to steer and instead of helping, Mike laughed at her a little. After a few minutes, Mike pointed to a house and said, "That's it." They drove up to it and parked their bikes. Before Charlotte could ring the bell, Will opened the door. "I've already seen you. At first I didn't know who you were because of Charlotte's driving style, but then I recognized you. He grabbed both of them by the wrist and pulled them into the house. Dustin and Lucas were already sitting on the floor in the living room and playing D&D D. A film was playing quietly in the background that Charlitte didn't recognize. The other three sat down with Dustin and Lucas and played along. After a few minutes, El came into the room. She was finally back from her visit to the city center. Mike was there to greet her gave up and gave her a kiss on the cheek, the others waved to her. "Do you want to play?" Dustin asked, but El shook her head and went to her room.


They played until the sun slowly set, then the five of them went into the kitchen and baked pizzas. Charlotte put a little pineapple on hers and a discussion began as to whether it was allowed or not. While the others were arguing, Mike snuck out of the room, Will looked after him but couldn't remember where he was going.


Mike quietly crept to El's room and knocked. "El, are you there? Can we talk?" he whispered through the door. Instead of getting an answer the door opened after a few seconds El stood there. She had her sheep suit on but no messy hair, so she hasn't slept yet. "May I come in?" El nodded. Mike walked into the room and closed the door behind him. "Actually, it's good that you're here, because I wanted to talk to you," said El. "About what?" "Us." After El said that, a loud silence spread across the room. Laughter could be heard from the kitchen and when Mike heard Will's, a small smile spread across his face, but it disappeared again when El started talking. "I think we should both break up. Lately it's been so..." El moaned sadly and paused as if she didn't know how to express it. "We're not compatible anymore and I know you've noticed that too. And that's good because it means we can stay friends." Mike briefly looked El in the eyes and started talking: "I think so too. But promise me we'll stay friends!" El nodded happily and hugged Mike. Finally it felt normal again, not forced or cramped. Just like a normal hug. "So I think I'll go to sleep now," El said as she pulled away from the hug. Mike nodded silently, turned around and walked out of the room. He closed the door behind him and let out a sigh of relief. Finally it happened and now all he had to do was talk to Will. He slowly sat down again and headed towards the kitchen.

Eddie, tired and exhausted, walked to the now very familiar front door. He rang the bell and Steve answered it wearing a blue apron and blue jeans. Shirtless. "So that's a nice surprise." Steve smiled and gently pulled Eddie into the house. "So that's an even better surprise."


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