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Steve yawned softly into his hand and looked at Eddie in love. He's never had a boyfriend before, but what they're doing can't be that wrong. Eddie's head was on Steve's arm and turned towards the ceiling. He lay on his back and his body moved slightly up and down in rhythm with his breathing. Eddie and Steve were lying body to body and Eddie's hair tickled Steve's arm, who then tried not to laugh but he couldn't. His soft laugh made Eddie open his eyes a fraction and he lifted his head so Steve could take his arm away. They both turned on their side, their arms bent and their hands folded under their heads and their foreheads only inches apart. Eddie breathed in and out loudly, then opened his eyes and whispered, "Good morning." "Good Morning." Steve said, giving Eddie a small kiss on the forehead. "Should I make breakfast?" Steve asked. Eddie shook his head and put an arm over Steve. "Not yet." Steve also put an arm and Eddie, then he kissed Eddie lightly on the lips three times. Eddie did the same but this time, the third kiss was long and wasn't interrupted until Steve smiled into the kiss. "What do you have planned today?" he asked. "Nothing." "Perfect," Steve said, pulling Eddie into a kiss again.


Will woke up to the sounds of the television. A sitcom was playing and the others were watching the television eagerly. Will wanted to go straight back to sleep. Tomorrow was the last first day of school and he still didn't have everything he needed, the others certainly did, which meant he had to go shopping alone. His mood brightened again when he saw a roll and a boiled egg on the sofa table in front of him. Finally breakfast. This is exactly what he needed. Then Will looked around. Everyone sat where they sat yesterday except Mike. He was not there. "Where's Mike?" "I can't believe it. Not even a good morning. No, he has to ask around straight away," said Lucas, pretending to be offended. Dustin gave him an answer: "He just went upstairs to El. We don't know why." Will nodded and remembered his dream again. So they are still together after all. Not even that was true about his dream. Will was snapped out of his thoughts when Mike came trotting down the trepoe. "Guys, I have to tell you something." Mike sat down next to Will and started talking: "El and I broke up, but we're still friends, I promise. The reason was that we just didn't fit together anymore. I hope you understand that." "Naturally." "We noticed a bit too," said Lucas and Dustin. Will didn't say anything, he just looked at Mike sympathetically. So my dream was right, I was right. mike and el separated. That is ... I don't know... thought Will. The silence was oppressive until Will didn't know what to do and started talking: "Well, we have school tomorrow but I still have to buy things, someone come with me. I don't feel like going alone." "Sorry, but my family wants to go on a trip," Lucas said apologetically. "I can't either. I'm going to Steve's today. We wanted to meet," Dustin said. "Then it's just the two of us. I'll come with you. I also have to buy some things." said Mike. Will looked at him gratefully. Ok, I'm alone with Mike but everything is the same as before, your dream, the party doesn't matter, Will thought to himself. "Oh, if I look at the clock now, Lucas and I have to go." With that, Dustin and Luacs stood up, put on their shoes and waved goodbye. Then they scurried out the door. "I'll come right away. I'll just eat quickly," Will said to Mike. Mike nodded and continued watching the sitcom while he waited.


"Don't you want to eat more slowly? You're literally inhaling the food," Mike said, laughing. Will shook his head. "We have a lot of plans. First we'll go shopping, then we'll eat something, then we'll go shopping again and in the evening we'll go to the bar where Eddie works. Before school starts, we have to celebrate." Mike nodded, overwhelmed. Even though he didn't understand everything, he was happy. When Will finished eating, they got up and put their shoes on. Mike had already opened the door when Will shouted throughout the house that he would be back late tonight and that he would be up with Mike. Then he nodded at Mike as if to say, let's go. Mike and Will hopped on their bikes and rode off. While she was driving Mike always had this feeling in his stomach, he didn't know what it was but he knew it from somewhere. Little did he know, it was the feeling he had while he fell in love with El and while they first kissed. It was back.

Steve was leaning over Eddie and their lips seemed like they couldn't be separated. Then the doorbell rang and Eddie looked at Steve confused, who shrugged his shoulders ignorantly and threw himself on his back. Eddie stood up and padded to the bedroom door. As he walked past he grabbed a top from Steve. Then he opened the bedroom door and ran to the front door. He took the handle in his hand and pushed it down. He looked intently at the person standing in front of him. Slowly he realized who it was. "Dustin, what are you doing here?" Dustin stood there with his mouth open and said nothing for a moment. "Don't you want to come in? I'll get Steve quickly. Dustin didn't know what was going on but he slowly went into the house. Eddie pushed Dustin onto the sofa and said, "Wait here. I'll get him." Then Eddie turned around and went into Steve's room. When Dustin was able to think normally again, he followed Eddie into Steve's room.


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