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Sorry of the late Update
Let's do this
Hope you like it
Kisses 💋



Beep Beep Beep 

The alarm clock didn't stop until Will pressed the quiet button hard once. He was incredibly tired, because he couldn't sleep all night long, he always thought of Charlotte's words to Mike and sometimes even of the charming guy from the bar. He wasn't really his type, but he had something. Nevertheless, his thoughts keep coming back to mike. The hair, the eyes, that smile, oooh how much he liked that smile, but he's known that for a long time.He was just about to lie down to sleep again, because that was exactly what he needed, when there was a bang on his bedroom door. "What?!?" he shouted. In his eyes, it wasn't time to get up yet. "Will, sweetie, wake up. You only have a few minutes left, El is almost done." "Come" Will heard his mother wake up and moaning. She exaggerated constantly. WILL took the alarm clock and looked at the time. He still had 10 .. Wait 10 minutes. "Fuck"He grabbed a checkered shirt in red and black and a pair of baggy jeans. Then he ran to the bathroom and got ready. After a few minutes, there was another knock on the door. "Who's there?!" " Me. " called El. " What are you doing here?" " I'm just here to say that we actually have to go now, we told Lucas we'd come pick him up with the bikes." "Yes, I know, I'll come right away. Can you perhaps make me something to eat? Then we can drive off faster." "Already done. Is just around the corner. Just get it." " Thanks. " Will waited until El was awake, then he took the food and devoured it while running to the front door. "Bye mom. See you." Then he ran out, slamming the door behind him. El was already ready to ride with both bikes. " Come on. " "Yes, Gosh, relax." Will and El made their way to Luca's house, where he was "talking" to Max. When the two of them noticed them, they drove off.



"Eat faster," Mike snapped at Charlotte for the third time. I don't need time. Why don't you get the bikes already?" Mike snorted. "Yes, then just not. We can continue to take over your new best friend talk jealousy. " "I'm not jealous. I'm just worried. Just like any good friend." " mm. Yes, of course. Mike we both know, consciously or unconsciously, that you are jealous. " "Of what? You know what, you're annoying.I'm going you now. I don't care if you come along. " Mike has his back on Charlotte and walked away, she followed him and drove after him. "Can you please slow down," she chasteed. "No. We are too late." " I hate you. "


 Will stood at the entrance together with Dustin, El and Max and so they kept looking at the street because they were waiting for Charlotte and Mike. Only with one person did he not know where he was. "Do you two know where Lucas is?" asked Will. "I don't know, Max?" "I know it, but you won't love the answer." "What is it?" " The basketball team has now called the first meeting before school. " "Already now?" asked Will horrified. "And he's still on the stupid team?" asked Dustin. Max nodded. "And that doesn't annoy you?" "I don't know, we never really talked about everything, at some point we just pretended that nothing had happened and he rarely has time. Therefore... I don't know. I mean, sometimes i so muss him. But he is happy right Now i guess. I shouldn't interfere too much. " "uh, yes. You are his girlfriend. You're the top priority, so to speak," Will said. "You mean. You've never been in a relationship.Not to mention, you've never even been kissed.Get a grip. You've never been interested in girls. I don't want to offend you, but the way you behave here, can it be that you are gay?" Max looked at Will angrily in annoyance until she noticed that Will's expression changed. He no longer smiled and became silent. He fixed his eyes on the ground and blushed. "Oh, you don't just act like that, you are." Dustin And El  looked at Will confused and Max looked as if she was about to laugh.  Will couldn't stand the looks. He wanted to tell them yes, but not like that, not like that. Then he ran. Into the school building, past all the people who came towards him. He pushed her and ran to the toilet. He locked it in and let the moment play over and over again.

Mike and Charlotte were riding their bikes to the bike racks when they saw Will running into the school out of the corner of their eyes, leaving the other three standing there. "What's wrong with him?" Charlotte asked Mike. "How should I know?" Charlotte shrugged and asked the same question when they reached El, Dustin and Mak. "I said one thing he didn't like and he runs awake." "And that was?" Mike asked, slightly worried. "Ask him yourself," said Max flippantly. Mike looked at Charlotte and she nodded at him. "Go find him." Mike ran into the school and searched the hallways. Then he saw the toilet. He walked into the room and saw a locked cubicle and no one else was there. "Will, is that you?" Mike heard a whisper. But there was no answer. "It wasn't supposed to happen like this. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. They hate me now. They hate me now." "Will, are you okay? Please let me in." Mike knocked on the door. Then he began to whisper: "Will please let me in. We can work this out together. Please let me in." "We can't fix this. They hate me now. It shouldn't happen like this," Will whispered. His voice became quieter and quieter, becoming rapid, loud breathing until it sounded like he was almost out of breath. Mike turned pale and rattled the door. "Will, please let me in. Open the door and let me in. No matter what it is, we can fix this." "We can't." Mike almost couldn't hear it anymore and dug a coin out of his trouser pocket. The door was easy to open with a coin. As soon as she was up, Mike knelt in front of Will and placed his hands on Will's knee. Will was breathing faster and faster, his chest heaving. "Will look at me. Everything will be fine. Look at me. We can fix everything, no matter what it is. But first you have to relax. Look into my eyes and breathe deeply and slowly like I do. Everything will be fine. We can fix everything. Nobody hates you." Will lifted his head and looked Mike in the eyes and slowly he began to breathe normally again. It became quiet and they just looked at each other. " Do you feel better now?" Will nodded. "Thanks." "If that's the case, maybe you want to tell me what's going on?"


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