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He slowly opened his eyes and looked around his room. The blanket wrapped around his body and only his head was sticking out of the top. A soft knock came from the door. "Yes?" "Honey, are you coming to breakfast with us?" it was Mike's mother. "Coming." Mike pulled the blanket from his body, stood up and stretched. He smiled until there was another knock on the door and Charlotte came in. "Well you," she said. Mike immediately thought that he wanted to talk to Will and El today. "What's going on?" "Nothing." "Aha, oh, I forgot to tell you that we're going to school with the others today." "Why?" "Because you have to show me the school. It starts again in three days." "Oh no, I don't want to." "Come on, the two of us and Dustin and Lucas." "OK." Mike groaned. He actually wanted to do something different. "Come on, now it's breakfast." Charlotte lightly pulled Mike down the stairs by his wrist. Only when they were at the table did she let him go."Good morning Mike." "Jonathan, did you sleep here?" He nodded in response. "Ah" "Sit down, darling." Mike and Charlotte sat down at the table and scooped the fresh pancakes onto their plates. "So what are you doing today?" Karen asked. "The boys and I are showing Charlotte around school before our senior year begins." "Nice."


Eddie slowly opened his eyes and looked around. The sun was shining through the window into the room and clothes were strewn across the floor. His head was resting on Steve's bare chest and Eddie's leg was swinging over Steve's legs. Steve's right hand gently stroked Eddie's back. "Good morning," Steve said in a rough, dark voice. "Morning." Eddie gave Steve a small, gentle kiss on his chest. Steve pulled Eddie's head by his chin with his left hand to level with his head. Steve's lips pressed against Eddie's and they kissed slowly. Eddie's hand ran from Steve's neck down to his waistband, then back up. With gentle touches on Steve's nipples, Eddie made him moan softly into the kiss. Eddie smiled and slowly slid his hand under Steve's waistband. Steve moaned softly into the kiss again, but Eddie didn't break away from the kiss. He slowly moved his hand over Steve's now hard cock. Steve broke away from the kiss only to moan loudly. "Gosh, that feels so good." Eddie just smiled mischievously and wrapped his hand around Steve's cock. He moved them up and down and Steve moaned louder and louder. "More quickly." Eddie moved his hand quickly until Steve moaned once, arched his back and came.Eddie kissed Steve lightly on the mouth and said ironically, "So early in the morning? You're crazy, Harrington." He winked at Steve and started to get up. But Steve wrapped an arm around Eddie's stomach and pulled him back towards him. He kissed him and they sank into the kiss until Eddie pulled away. "I have to go to work." “Just say you’re sick, okay?” "I can't. But don't worry, I'll be there tonight." Eddie winked again, gave Steve a kiss on the cheek and stood up. "See you later." said Steve, slapping Eddie lightly on the butt.


Will stuffed the last piece of bread into his mouth and looked at El, waiting. She sat opposite him and calmly spread the second bread on herself. El looked up briefly and said: "What are you looking at? Do I have something on my face?" She covered her mouth with her sleeve and waited for Will's answer. "Nothing, just please hurry up, we're going to be late." "You're late. I'm not coming for the school tour. Instead of setting foot in the school way too early, I'm going to go downtown with Max and we'll eat ice cream and buy clothes. As long as you don't want to come with me, you can get on your way now." Will nodded to indicate ok. Just before he could get up he was stopped. "Can you stay here for a moment? I want to talk to you, it's important," El asked. "Sure, what's wrong?" "It's about Mike" Great, said the voice in Will's head with great irony. "What's up?" , asked he. "Have you noticed Mike acting strange lately?" "Not that I know of." He has the same beautiful eyes that I could drown in, he has the perfect body and in his presence you still feel safe, wanted, happy and just great, Will thought to himself. “Why?” was all he said. "He seems so distant and I thought because you're his best friend you might know something. But if you didn't notice anything, then there's probably nothing. Anyway, thanks for the conversation. You can go now." "Ok, have fun with Max." Will said quickly, got up, put on his shoes and ran out the door. Finally, he thought to himself. He cycled to Mike's house where the others were already waiting for him. Dustin and Lucas were babbling on about something to Charlotte and she was listening with interest. And there he stood. Mike had his bike leaned against his body. He ruffled his hair with one hand, how does that feel?


Mike saw Will first. He'd never seen those dreamy eyes that Will had, but now... He shook his head to clear the thought and called out Will's name loudly. The others were startled, but then got on their bikes and cycled to school with Will. Will and Mike fell back a little and started talking. "So why were you so late." "I still talked to El. Speaking of which, is something going on with you?" "No, not really, or is it? I don't know. We're distancing ourselves more and more. It's not like it used to be." Although on one hand Will was very happy to hear that, it also made him sad to see his best friends like that. "I don't think there's anything wrong with you, sometimes couples just go through a phase like that. Don't worry." said Will. It had taken so much effort for him to say that and deep down he knew that he didn't want them to stay together either. "Hey, can you hurry up? I can see the school," Lucas called to them. They parked their bikes and the director was waiting at the door with the key. "Take good care, gentlemen. I'll be back in two hours." He handed Mike the key and turned his back to them. Mike slowly unlocked the door. He opened it and the boys and Charlotte entered.

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