Chapter 10

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There was an interesting T-shirt that said something in German. She picked it up and left what was written on it. Charlotte smiled but then put it back. "Who do you think got this?" she breathed. She went to the table and sat down slowly. Charlotte took a pen and a piece of paper and began to write a letter to her friend. ________________________________________

Dear Boris, Oh my God. You know, at home I often force you to watch some dramas with me. Some of them are with a BL couple. So. There are two guys here. I won't name names, but one you can tell is gay, and the other is wearing a t-shirt that says "Indescribable Husbands." And the two of them always look at each other so dreamily but they always avoid eye contact! So annoying! Unfortunately, one of them also has a girlfriend. She's really nice and doesn't really deserve this, but... Whatever. We were at the cinema today and the two of them had a moment but it was over far too quickly. They both still have a long way to go but what am I there for if not for that? Enough of that, I think I'm going to have a really great time here. Don't miss me too much.

XOXO your girlfriend
Love you


Will slowly walked home. The sun was setting and the street lights in Hawkins were coming on. Nobody was on the way. Will himself heard the soft sound of his feet hitting the floor. He started whistling.A small breeze came towards him. His short hair flew in the wind and he looked down the street again to the house from which he had left for a while. He thought about the moment in the cinema, this small, brief contact, the hope he had but also the fear that Charlotte had seen it. His thoughts were interrupted by two ferry riders whizzing past him and shouting hello loudly. Will was startled, stopped and then turned his head towards the bikes that had already passed him. "Those idiots," of course he meant Dustin and Lucas. He slowly started moving again, and after a short while he bent his head a little to look at his watch. "Oh , shit.I'm too late," said Will in desperation, then he started to jog but quickly turned into a run.Will increased his pace until he reached his house. He rang the bell and Jonathan opened the door. "You're too late." "I know. You don't have to tell me specifically," Will replied flippantly. He came into the house and looked around, walked around a bit and then said, "Where's mom?" "She went to dinner with Hopper." "So I didn't have to hurry?" Jonathan nodded. "Are you alone here or is Nancy there?" "She's home. And you, don't you want to go back to Mike?" Will shook his head and went awake to his room, where he threw himself on his bed and closed his eyes. He saw the cinema in front of his eyes again, the film, Charlotte and Mike and...


Mike sat at the table in silence and ate. Unlike Will, he wasn't thinking about the moment in the cinema but about something Charlotte said a few days ago. Want gay? Never? He would tell his friends if he were... If it was him, would that mean that the cinema meant anything to him? No, right. He certainly doesn't see it, I would have noticed it long ago for nothing. Charlotte just thinks up stupid things. Tomorrow I'll meet El and we'll go out to eat. Don't think about Will, not one bit! And certainly don't talk about him. Besides, Charlotte should mind her own business, I mean just because she has a boyfriend doesn't mean she... His thoughts were interrupted by Charlotte entering."Finally something to eat," she said and collapsed onto the chair opposite Mike. He didn't look at her because he continued to think about what Charlotte had said. He poked at the food with his fork. Charlotte noticed that he was in thought, so she tried to get him to talk. "Where is the rest of the family?" Mike started, shrugged his shoulders, stood up, grabbed his plate. He then put it in the sink and disappeared into his room. He thought: Maybe I should talk to Will tomorrow too. Clarify everything. Exactly . I go to him after I meet with El.

Steve was watching his favorite series when the phone rang. He got up annoyed and answered it. "Hello? Who is it?" he asked. A female voice answers: "Hey. Can I come to you. I don't feel like going back home and Jonathan said he didn't have time." It was Nancy. "Sure, do you want to come right away?" Steve said. No Answer. Just the dial tone. After a few minutes there was a knock on the door. Steve opened the door without looking who it was. "Eddie," Steve said, looking surprised.

Eddie waved to Dustin and Lucas then turned around and looked for the way to the next bar. When he arrived, he sat down at the bar and ordered the usual: 3 shots of pure vodka. The bartender started talking while giving Eddie the shots. "You're here every night. You're my best customer." Eddie faked smiled. After a quarter of an hour he was completely drunk. A boy the same age came up to him. Eddie already knew him and smiled playfully. When their eyes met, the boy grabbed Eddie by the wrist and pulled him into the toilet. He closed the booth and started kissing Eddie. His wet tongue licked Eddie's lower lip but he didn't open his mouth. On the contrary, he didn't even return the kiss. Eddie walked quickly out of the toilet and out of the bar. The only clear thought he could think of was that if he came home so drunk his uncle wouldn't be very happy. Where should you go? That's when it occurred to him. He staggered down the street to a certain house and knocked. The door opened and a familiar voice began to speak: "Eddie?"

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