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Mike's hair fluttered in the wind that blew into his face as the two of them rode slowly down the street on their bikes into the city. Mike looked tensely at the road and rarely looked at Will, he didn't want to make it weird. Will, on the other hand, couldn't take his eyes off Mike. He looked back and forth between the street and the boy. Mike's black hair flew in the wind. His skin was shiny because of the sun and his top was tight to his body because of the wind blowing against it. His fingers wrapped around the handlebars and sometimes he got up from the seat to ride standing up. Will smiled at the perfect sight and didn't notice that they were already downtown. "How about we have some ice cream before we buy things?" Mike suggested. Will didn't answer, how could he? He was deep in thought. Mike repeated the question louder this time: "Will, should we buy some ice cream?" "Sorry? Oh, sure. Always." Mike nodded when he got the answer and moved his bike towards the ice cream shop.


Eddie ran into the room with a stressed look on his face. "What's wrong? Who was at the door?" Steve asked as he put on a pair of pants. "Are you doing well?" Eddie shook his head. "What's wrong?" Steve asked, but before Eddie could answer, Dustin came through the bedroom door. "Dustin, what are you doing here?" Steve looked at the two boys in surprise. Then he noticed that he wasn't wearing a T-shirt yet and quickly grabbed one that was lying over the chair. "I...thought...we'd meet today." , Dustin stuttered. "That's right, I just lost track of time." Steve said to Eddie's surprise. "Ah, and why are you here." Dustin looked at Eddie questioningly. "I'm just... because..." Dustin looked around. The room smelled of sweat and there were opened condom packages on the bedside table. Dustin looked at the two boys in surprise. "Are you two...?" Eddie and Steve knew what he was getting at. Steve was about to answer when Eddie said: "No, hell no. I just happened to be passing by and it looked like this." Dustin, loan-believer as he is, nodded knowingly and didn't ask any further questions because it sounded plausible to him. Steve's mouth turned down and he couldn't say anything. He thought they were a couple? Eddie apologized, he said he had to go to work, there was some disco there today. Then he left the room. Steve didn't quite notice how Dustin asked him if he would come tonight and Steve nodded mentally. Dustin was happy and then left the room. He couldn't stay any longer. His mother wanted him to come home.


Will literally devoured his ice cream. He had a chocolate chip ice cream and Mike licked his cookies and snickers ice cream. The two boys talked a little about school, it was their last year. "Should we go to the disco tonight?" asked Mike. Will looked up and nodded. There was a piece of brittle sticking to his mouth. Mike laughed a little. "What's wrong?" Will asked innocently. Mike shook his head a little and then grabbed a napkin. He led this to Will Mund. He froze, what was Mike doing? Mike gently rubbed the napkin over the spot where the crumb was. Then Mike put down the napkin and went back to his ice cream. It took Will a minute to think again, but Mike thought it was a normal thing friends did. El always did it to him too. When the two had finished their ice cream, they rode off on their bikes to buy the rest of the things. The two of them hurried so that they could get dressed appropriately for the disco.


Will rushed down the street in no time, a few minutes ago Mike stopped driving with Will because he wanted to change at home. Now for Will to go home quickly to change. What should he wear? 30 MINUTES LATER Will rode his bike to Mike's house again. Now he was wearing loose jeans, Converse and a loose Hawaiian shirt. When Will got to Mike's house and saw Mike, he stopped and looked him up and down.Mike was wearing black doc martin boots and black medium skinny cargo pants. Will then turned his eyes to Mike's torso. Mike had a black, thin shirt that he hadn't buttoned. Why? It was such warm weather. Still, Will hadn't thought of it and now his eyes were practically glued to Mike's slight abs. Then Mike finally said something: "Shall we?" "M? What? Oh, yeah. Let's go." They hopped on their bikes and rode off to the bar.



Eddie almost clung to the counter, he didn't want to be here. Steve would probably come and he doubts Steve would forgive him. What else was he supposed to say? "Oh, yes, Dustin, we didn't like each other but now we're a couple. How did that happen? We slept together so many times that we had a crush on each other. Don't you do the same thing?" That would be stupid. Of course Eddie felt like shit, he liked Steve, but this was so new to him. Just as Eddie was thinking, Will and Mike came through the door. The two were 15 minutes early and there were only a few people in the entire bar. "Bonjour, gentlemen," Eddie greeted the two boys. You nodded at him and sat next to him at the counter. "What's wrong? You look bad," Mike asked. "Nothing, I just messed up but it's nothing too serious." "Really? You look like the love of your life just broke your heart," Will said ironically, but for Eddie it was not at all.


After a few minutes it got busier until the bar was packed and people started dancing. However, Will and Mike were just standing at a bar table waiting for Lucas and Dustin. Lucas came through the door first. He was wearing normal, casual clothes and generally everything about him was normal until he got to Will and Mike. Then he shouted, "You're into someone else?"

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